NAME Archive::TarGzip - save and restore files to and from compressed tape archives (tar) SYNOPSIS ###### # Subroutine Interface # use Archive::TarGzip qw(parse_header tar untar); $tar_file = tar(@file, \@options); $tar_file = tar(@file); $success = untar(@file); $success = untar(@file, \@options); \%tar_header = parse_header($buffer); ###### # File subroutines # use Archive::TarGzip; tie *TAR_FILEHANDLE, 'Tie::Layers' tie *TAR_FILEHANDLE, 'Tie::Layers', @options $success = open(TAR_FILEHANDLE, $tar_file); $success = open(TAR_FILEHANDLE, $mode, $tar_file); $success = print TAR_FILEHANDLE $file_name; $success = print TAR_FILEHANDLE $file_name, $file_contents; \%tar_header = <TAR_FILEHANDLE>; $success = close(TAR_FILEHANDLE); ###### # Object # tie *TAR_FILEHANDLE, 'Tie::Layers'; tie *TAR_FILEHANDLE, 'Tie::Layers', @options; $tar = tied \*TAR_FILEHANDLE; $tar = new Archive::TarGzip( ); $tar = new Archive::TarGzip(@options); $success = $tar->OPEN( $tar_file, \@options); $success = $tar->OPEN( $mode, $tar_file, \@options); $success = $tar->PRINT($file_name); $success = $tar->PRINT($file_name, $file_contents); \%tar_header = $tar->READLINE(\@options); \%tar_header = $tar->READLINE(@file, \@options); $status = $tar->target( \$buffer, $size); $success = $tar->CLOSE(); DESCRIPTION The "Archive::TarGzip" module provides "tar" subroutine to archive a list of files in an archive file in the tar format. The archive file may be optionally compressed using the gzip compression routines. The "Archive::TarGzip" module also provides a "untar" subroutine that can extract the files from the tar or tar/gzip archive files. The "tar" and "untar" top level subroutines use methods from the "Archive::TarGzip" class. The "Archive::TarGzip" class has many similarities to the very mature Archive::Tar class being at least three years older. The newer "Archive::TarGzip" relied very heavy on the work of the author of the Archive::Tar and in many instance the Archive::Tar is a better solution. Altough the underlying tar file format is the same and similar code is used to access the data in the underlying tar files, the interace bewteen the two are completely different. The "Archive::TarGzip" is built on a Tie File Handle type interface. The nthe "Archive::TarGzip" provide means to access individual files within the archive file without bringing the entire archive file into memory. When the gzip compression option is active, the compression is performed on the fly without creating an intermediate uncompressed tar file. METHODS tar $tar_file = Archive::TarGzip->tar(@file, [\%options or\@options]); $tar_file = tar(@file, [\%options or\@options]); # only if imported The tar subroutine creates a tar archive file containing the files in the @file list. The name of the file is $option{tar_file}. The tar subroutine will enforce that the $option{tar_file} has the .tar or .tar.gz extensions (uses the $option{compress} to determine which one). The tar subroutine will add directories to the @file list in the correct order needed to create the directories so that they will be available to extract the @files files from the tar archive file. If the $option{src_dir} is present, the tar subroutine will change to the $option{src_dir} before reading the @file list. The subroutine will restore the original directory after processing. If the $option{dest_dir} is present, the tar subroutine will add the $option{dest_dir} to each of the files in the @file list. The $options{dest_dir} name is only used for the name stored in the tar archive file and not to access the files from the site storage. untar $success = Archive::TarGzip->untar([@file], \%options or\@options or @options); $success = untar([@file], \%options or\@options or @options); # only if imported The untar subroutine extracts directories and files from a tar archive file. The untar subroutine does not assume that the directories are stored in the correct order so that they will be present as needed to create the files. The name of the file is $option{tar_file}. If tar subroutine that cannot find the $option{tar_file}, it will look for file with the .tar or .tar.gz extension (uses the $option{compress} to determine which one). If the $option{dest_dir} is present, the tar subroutine will change to the $option{dest_dir} before extracting the files from the tar archive file. The subroutine will restore the original directory after processing. If the @file list is present or the @{$option{extract_file}} list is present, the untar subroutine will extract only the files in these lists. If the @{$option{exclude_file}} list is present, the untar subroutine will not extract files in this list. new $tar = new Archive::TarGzip( ); $tar = new Archive::TarGzip( $filename or filehandle, [$compress]); $tar = new Archive::TarGzip( \%options or\@options); The new method creates a new tar object. The Archive::TarGzip::new method is the only methods that hides a Archive::Tar method with the same name. The new method passes $filename and $compress inputs to the Archive::Tar::new method which will read the entire tar archive file into memory. The new method with the $filename is better when using only the Archive::TarGzip methods. OPEN $tar_handle = $tar->taropen( $tar_file, $compress, [\%options or\@options]); The taropen method opens a $tar_file without bringing any of the files into memory. If $options{tar_flag} is '>', the taropen method creats a new $tar_file; otherwise, it opens the $tar_file for reading. PRINT $success = $tar->taradd($file_name, $file_contents); The taradd method appends $file_contents using the name $file_name to the end of the tar archive file taropen for writing. If $file_contents is undefined, the taradd method will use the contents from the file $file_name. The tarwrite method will remove the first file in the Archive::Tar memory and append it to the end of the tar archive file taropen for writing. The tarwrite method uses the $option{compress} to decide whether use gzip compress or normal writing of the tar archive file. READLINE \%tar_header = $tar->tarread(@file, [\%options or\@options]); \%tar_header = $tar->tarread(\%options or\@options); The tarread method reads the next file from the tar archive file taropen for reading. The tar file header and file contents are returned in the %tar_header hash along with other information needed for processing by the Archive::Tar and Archive::TarGzip classes. If the $option{header_only} exists the tarread method skips the file contents and it is not return in the %tar_header. If either the @file or the @{$option{extract_files}} list is present, the tarread method will check to see if the file is in either of these lists. If the file name is not in the @files list or the @{$option{extract_files}} list, the tarread method will set the $tar_header{skip_file} key and all other %tar_header keys are indetermined. If the @{$option{exclude_files}} list is present, the tarread method will check to see if the file is in this list. If the file name is in the list, the tarread method will set the $tar_header{skip_file} key and all other %tar_header keys are indetermined. If the tarread method reaches the end of the tar archive file, it will set the $tar_header{end_of_tar} key and all other %tar_header keys are indermeined. The $tar_header keys are as follows: name mode uid gid size mtime chksum typeflag linkname magic version uname gname devmajor devminor prefix error end_of_tar header_only skip_file data file_position target $status = $tar->target( \$buffer, $size); The target method gets bytes in 512 byte chunks from the tar archive file taropen for reading. If \$buffer is undefined, the target method skips over the $size bytes and any additional bytes to pad out to 512 byte boundaries. The target method uses the $option{compress} to decide whether use gzip uncompress or normal reading of the tar archive file. CLOSE $success = $tar->CLOSE( ); This closes the tar archive opened by the OPEN subroutine. parse_header \%tar_header = Archive::TarGzip->parse_header($buffer) ; \%tar_header = parse_header($buffer); # only if imported The "parse_header" subroutine takes the pack 512 byte tar file header and parses it into a the "Archive::Tar" header hash with a few additional hash keys. This is the return for the "READLINE" subroutine. REQUIREMENTS Someday DEMONSTRATION ######### # perl TarGzip.d ### ~~~~~~ Demonstration overview ~~~~~ The results from executing the Perl Code follow on the next lines as comments. For example, 2 + 2 # 4 ~~~~~~ The demonstration follows ~~~~~ use File::Package; use File::AnySpec; use File::SmartNL; use File::Spec; use File::Path; my $fp = 'File::Package'; my $snl = 'File::SmartNL'; my $uut = 'Archive::TarGzip'; # Unit Under Test my $loaded; ################## # Load UUT # my $errors = $fp->load_package($uut) $errors # '' # my @files = qw( lib/Data/ lib/Docs/Site_SVD/ Makefile.PL MANIFEST README t/Data/Str2Num.d t/Data/ t/Data/Str2Num.t ); my $file; foreach $file (@files) { $file = File::AnySpec->fspec2os( 'Unix', $file ); } my $src_dir = File::Spec->catdir('TarGzip', 'expected'); unlink 'TarGzip.tar.gz'; rmtree (File::Spec->catfile('TarGzip', 'Data-Str2Num-0.02')); ################## # tar files into compressed archive # Archive::TarGzip->tar( @files, {tar_file => 'TarGzip.tar.gz', src_dir => $src_dir, dest_dir => 'Data-Str2Num-0.02', compress => 1} ) # 'TarGzip.tar.gz' # ################## # Untar compressed archive # Archive::TarGzip->untar( {dest_dir=>'TarGzip', tar_file=>'TarGzip.tar.gz', compress => 1, umask => 0} ) # 1 # $snl->fin(File::Spec->catfile('TarGzip', 'Data-Str2Num-0.02', 'MANIFEST')) # 'lib/Docs/Site_SVD/ #MANIFEST #Makefile.PL #README #lib/Data/ #t/Data/Str2Num.d #t/Data/ #t/Data/Str2Num.t' # $snl->fin(File::Spec->catfile('TarGzip', 'expected', 'MANIFEST')) # 'lib/Docs/Site_SVD/ #MANIFEST #Makefile.PL #README #lib/Data/ #t/Data/Str2Num.d #t/Data/ #t/Data/Str2Num.t' # QUALITY ASSURANCE Running the test script "TarGzip.t" verifies the requirements for this module. The "" cover script for Test::STDmaker automatically generated the "TarGzip.t" test script, "TarGzip.d" demo script, and "t::Archive::TarGzip" Software Test Description (STD) program module POD, from the "t::Archive::TarGzip" program module contents. The "" cover script automatically ran the "TarGzip.d" demo script and inserted the results into the 'DEMONSTRATION' section above. The "t::Tie::TarGzip" program module is in the distribution file Archive-TarGzip-$VERSION.tar.gz. =head1 NOTES Author The holder of the copyright and maintainer is < > Copyright Notice Copyrighted (c) 2002 Software Diamonds All Rights Reserved Binding Requirements Notice Binding requirements are indexed with the pharse 'shall[dd]' where dd is an unique number for each header section. This conforms to standard federal government practices, 490A In accordance with the License for 'Tie::Gzip', Software Diamonds is not liable for meeting any requirement, binding or otherwise. License Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3 Commercial installation of the binary or source must visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, a license fee must be paid to Softwareware Diamonds. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SEE ALSO Docs::Site_SVD::Archive_TarGzip Test::STDmaker Archive::Tar NAME Docs::Site_SVD::Archive_TarGzip - tar and gzip or untar and gunzip with a small memory footprint Title Page Software Version Description for Docs::Site_SVD::Archive_TarGzip - tar and gzip or untar and gunzip with a small memory footprint Revision: B Version: 0.03 Date: 2004/05/14 Prepared for: General Public Prepared by: E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> Copyright: copyright � 2003 Software Diamonds Classification: NONE 1.0 SCOPE This paragraph identifies and provides an overview of the released files. 1.1 Identification This release, identified in 3.2, is a collection of Perl modules that extend the capabilities of the Perl language. 1.2 System overview The Archive::TarGzip module provides tar subroutine to archive a list of files in an archive file in the tar format. The archve file may be optionally compressed using the gzip compression routines. The ARchive::TarGzip module also provides a untar subroutine that can extract the files from the tar or tar/gzip archive files. The tar and untar top level subroutines use methods from the Archive::TarGzip class. The Archive::TarGzip class is dervided from its parent Archive::Tar class. The new methods supplied with the Archive::TarGzip derived class provide means to access individual files within the archive file without bringing the entire archive file into memory. When the gzip compression option is active, the compression is performed on the fly without creating an intermediate uncompressed tar file. The new methods provide a smaller memory footprint that enhances performance for very large archive files. 1.3 Document overview. This document releases Archive::TarGzip version 0.03 providing a description of the inventory, installation instructions and other information necessary to utilize and track this release. 3.0 VERSION DESCRIPTION All file specifications in this SVD use the Unix operating system file specification. 3.1 Inventory of materials released. This document releases the file Archive-TarGzip-0.03.tar.gz found at the following repository(s): http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Restrictions regarding duplication and license provisions are as follows: Copyright. copyright � 2003 Software Diamonds Copyright holder contact. 603 882-0846 E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> License. Software Diamonds permits the redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, provided that the following conditions are met: 1 Redistributions of source code, modified or unmodified must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2 Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3 Commercial installation of the binary or source must visually present to the installer the above copyright notice, this list of conditions intact, that the original source is available at and provide means for the installer to actively accept the list of conditions; otherwise, a license fee must be paid to Softwareware Diamonds. SOFTWARE DIAMONDS,, PROVIDES THIS SOFTWARE 'AS IS' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL SOFTWARE DIAMONDS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 3.2 Inventory of software contents The content of the released, compressed, archieve file, consists of the following files: file version date comment ------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ---------- ------------------------ lib/Docs/Site_SVD/ 0.03 2004/05/14 revised 0.02 MANIFEST 0.03 2004/05/14 generated, replaces 0.02 Makefile.PL 0.03 2004/05/14 generated, replaces 0.02 README 0.03 2004/05/14 generated, replaces 0.02 lib/Archive/ 0.03 2004/05/14 revised 0.02 t/Archive/TarGzip.d 0.03 2004/05/14 revised 0.02 t/Archive/ 0.01 2003/09/12 unchanged t/Archive/TarGzip.t 0.03 2004/05/14 revised 0.02 t/Archive/File/ 1.16 2004/05/14 new t/Archive/File/ 1.17 2004/05/14 new t/Archive/Test/ 1.25 2004/05/14 new t/Archive/Data/ 1.23 2004/05/14 new t/Archive/Data/ 0.08 2004/05/14 new t/Archive/Data/ 0.06 2004/05/14 new t/Archive/TarGzip/expected/Makefile.PL 0.01 2003/08/04 unchanged t/Archive/TarGzip/expected/MANIFEST 0.01 2003/08/04 unchanged t/Archive/TarGzip/expected/README 0.01 2003/08/04 unchanged t/Archive/TarGzip/expected/lib/Data/ 0.01 2003/08/04 unchanged t/Archive/TarGzip/expected/lib/Docs/Site_SVD/ 0.01 2003/08/04 unchanged t/Archive/TarGzip/expected/t/Data/Str2Num.d 0.01 2003/08/04 unchanged t/Archive/TarGzip/expected/t/Data/ 0.01 2003/08/04 unchanged t/Archive/TarGzip/expected/t/Data/Str2Num.t 0.01 2003/08/04 unchanged 3.3 Changes Changes are as follows Archive::TarGzip-0.01 Originated Archive::TarGzip-0.02 Outsource the gzip compression to Tie::Gzip. Change the mode on tar directories from 666 to 777. Archive::TarGzip-0.03 The lastest build of Test::STDmaker expects the test library in the same directory as the test script. Coordiated with the lastest Test::STDmaker by moving the test library from tlib to t/Archive, the same directory as the test script and deleting the test library File::TestPath program module. 3.4 Adaptation data. This installation requires that the installation site has the Perl programming language installed. There are no other additional requirements or tailoring needed of configurations files, adaptation data or other software needed for this installation particular to any installation site. 3.5 Related documents. There are no related documents needed for the installation and test of this release. 3.6 Installation instructions. Instructions for installation, installation tests and installation support are as follows: Installation Instructions. To installed the release file, use the CPAN module pr PPM module in the Perl release or the INSTALL.PL script at the following web site: Follow the instructions for the the chosen installation software. If all else fails, the file may be manually installed. Enter one of the following repositories in a web browser: http://www.softwarediamonds/packages/ Right click on 'Archive-TarGzip-0.03.tar.gz' and download to a temporary installation directory. Enter the following where $make is 'nmake' for microsoft windows; otherwise 'make'. gunzip Archive-TarGzip-0.03.tar.gz tar -xf Archive-TarGzip-0.03.tar perl Makefile.PL $make test $make install On Microsoft operating system, nmake, tar, and gunzip must be in the exeuction path. If tar and gunzip are not install, download and install unxutils from Prerequistes. 'Tie::Gzip' => '0.01', 'File::AnySpec' => '1.11', 'Data::Startup' => '0.02', 'File::Package' => '0.00', 'File::Where' => '0.00', Security, privacy, or safety precautions. None. Installation Tests. Most Perl installation software will run the following test script(s) as part of the installation: t/Archive/TarGzip.t Installation support. If there are installation problems or questions with the installation contact 603 882-0846 E<lt>support@SoftwareDiamonds.comE<gt> 3.7 Possible problems and known errors There are no known open issues. 4.0 NOTES The following are useful acronyms: .d extension for a Perl demo script file .pm extension for a Perl Library Module .t extension for a Perl test script file 2.0 SEE ALSO Docs::US_DOD::SVD