POE::Component::Client::NSCA - a POE Component that implements send_nsca

       use strict;
       use POE qw(Component::Client::NSCA);
       use Data::Dumper;

            inline_states => {
                    _start =>
                    sub {
                            host    => $hostname,
                            event   => '_result',
                            password => 'moocow',
                            encryption => 1, # Lets use XOR
                            message => {
                                            host_name => 'bovine',
                                            svc_description => 'chews',
                                            return_code => 0,
                                            plugin_output => 'Chewing okay',
                    _result =>
                    sub {
                       my $result = $_[ARG0];
                       print Dumper( $result );

       exit 0;

    POE::Component::Client::NSCA is a POE component that implements
    "send_nsca" functionality. This is the client program that is used to
    send service check information from a remote machine to an nsca daemon
    on the central machine that runs "Nagios".

    It is based in part on code shamelessly borrowed from Net::Nsca and
    optionally supports encryption using the Mcrypt module.

        Takes a number of parameters:

          'host', the hostname or IP address to connect to, mandatory;
          'event', the event handler in your session where the result should be sent, mandatory;
          'password', password that should be used to encrypt the packet, mandatory;
          'encryption', the encryption method to use, see below, mandatory;
          'message', a hashref containing details of the message to send, see below, mandatory;
          'session', optional if the poco is spawned from within another session;
          'port', the port to connect to, default is 5667;
          'context', anything you like that'll fit in a scalar, a ref for instance;
          'timeout', number of seconds to wait for socket timeouts, default is 10;

        The 'session' parameter is only required if you wish the output
        event to go to a different session than the calling session, or if
        you have spawned the poco outside of a session.

        The 'encryption' method is an integer value indicating the type of
        encryption to employ:

               0 = None        (Do NOT use this option)
               1 = Simple XOR  (No security, just obfuscation, but very fast)

               2 = DES
               3 = 3DES (Triple DES)
               4 = CAST-128
               5 = CAST-256
               6 = xTEA
               7 = 3WAY
               8 = BLOWFISH
               9 = TWOFISH
               10 = LOKI97
               11 = RC2
               12 = ARCFOUR

               14 = RIJNDAEL-128
               15 = RIJNDAEL-192
               16 = RIJNDAEL-256

               19 = WAKE
               20 = SERPENT

               22 = ENIGMA (Unix crypt)
               23 = GOST
               24 = SAFER64
               25 = SAFER128
               26 = SAFER+

        Methods 2-26 require that the Mcrypt module is installed.

        The 'message' hashref must contain the following keys:

          'host_name', the host that this check is for, mandatory;
          'return_code', the result code for the check, mandatory;
          'plugin_output', the output from the check, mandatory;
          'svc_description', the service description ( required if this is a service not a host check );

        The poco does it's work and will return the output event with the

    This is generated by the poco. ARG0 will be a hash reference with the
    following keys:

      'host', the hostname given;
      'message', the message that was sent;
      'context', anything that you specified;
      'success', indicates that the check was successfully sent to the NSCA daemon;
      'error', only exists if something went wrong;

    Chris "BinGOs" Williams <>

    Based on Net::Nsca by P Kent

    Which was originally derived from work by Ethan Galstad.

    See the LICENSE file for details.

    Copyright � Chris Williams, P Kent and Ethan Galstad.

    This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms
    as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl
    distribution for details.



