Process::Results - standardized structure for returning results of a


     use Process::Results;
     my $results = Process::Results->new();
     some_subroutine(results=>$results) {
     if ($results->success) {}
     else {}


    Getting the details about the results of a subroutine call can be
    challenging. It's easy enough for a subroutine to indicate if it
    succeeded or not, or to simply die or croak. Communicating more detail,
    however, can get complicated. What was the cause of the failure? What
    was the input value that caused it? Maybe there were multiple problems,
    any of which could have independently caused a failure.

    Furthermore, it's not just failures that need communicating. Maybe
    there were results of the process that need to be communicated back to
    the caller, in addition to the success or failure of the operation.

    Process::Results provides a standardized way for caller and subroutine
    to communicate complex details of an operation. A Process::Results
    object is passed into the subroutine call, which can then store results
    information in the object. The sub doesn't even have to return the
    object because the caller still has a reference to it.

    Keep in mind that a process doesn't have to return the results object,
    so your sub can still return success, failure, or some other value
    without the caller having to check the Results object. In many cases, a
    successful process doesn't need to provide any details - it's only on
    failure that details are needed.

    At its simplest, a Results object is just an empty hash. By default, an
    empty hash indicates success, which can be checked with the success


    If you prefer, you can check for failure, which just returns the
    opposite of success():


    If you prefer that the results object defaults to false, just add a
    'success' option when creating the new object:

     $results = Process::Results->new(success=>0);
     $results->success(); # returns false

    In a more complex situation, the results object might contain one or
    more messages in the errors array. Such an object would look like this:

       errors => [
          { id=>'file-open-error', path=>'/tmp/output.txt' },
          { id=>'missing-param', param_name=>'email' },

    The presence of any elements in errors means that the process failed,
    so $results->success() returns false. A complete explanation of the
    structure of a results object is in the next section.


    A complete structure of a results object looks like this:

       success => 0,
       errors => [
          { id=>'file-open-error', path=>'/tmp/output.txt' },
          { id=>'missing-param', param_name=>'email' },
       warnings => [
          # more messages here
       notes => [
          # more messages here
       details => {
          # a hash that can contain anything you want

    The success and errors properties are redundant: the presence of any
    errors indicates failure. If both properties are present, success
    overrides errors.

    Errors indicate that the process failed. Warnings do not indicate a
    failure, but do indicate that something went wrong. Notes are simply
    information about the process and don't mean anything was wrong at all.

 Message objects

    Each message is a hash reference. Each message object must have the id
    property. Other properties can provide details about the message, for
    example a problematic input param. You can create message objects with
    the error(), warning(), and note() methods:


    More on those details below.



    Process::Results-new()> creates a new Process::Results object. By
    default, the object is an empty hash.

     my $results = Process::Results->new(); # returns empty, blessed hashref


      * success

      The success option sets an explicit success or failure for the new
      object. By default, you might want your results object to fail by
      default. In that case you could do the following:

       $results = Process::Results->new(success=>0);
       # stuff happens, but nothing affects the results object
       $results->success(); # returns false

      * json

      You can pass in a json string which will be parsed and used to
      populate the new object. For example:

       $results = Process::Results->new(json=>'{"errors":[{"id":"no-file"}]}');

      produces this structure:

         errors => [
               id => "no-file"

      * results

      new() can return an existing results object if the results option is
      sent. This option is handy when you want to ensure that your
      subroutine has a results object regardless of whether or not one was
      passed in. For example, consider the following sub:

       sub mysub {
         my ($param, %opts) = @_;
         my $results = Process::Results->new(results=>$opts{'results'});
         # [do stuff]

      In that example, the caller can send in a results object with the
      options hash. If it does so, that result object is used. If no such
      option is sent, the sub has a new results object to use.

      If the results object is sent, all other options are ignored.

 error(), warning(), note()

    Each of these methods creates a message object (which is just a
    hashref) for their respective category. The single required param is an
    id for the message. The id can be any defined string that you want. For
    example, the following code creates an error object with the id


    That code creates a message object, stored in the errors array, with
    the following structure:

       'id' => 'do-not-find-file'

    A message object can hold any other properties you want. Those
    properties should give the details of the message. Those properties can
    be set with additional params to the method call. So, for example, the
    following code sets an error with the id "do-not-find-file", along with
    indicating the path that does not have the file:

     $results->error('do-not-find-file', path=>$file_path);

    which would result in an object like this:

       'id' => 'do-not-find-file',
       'path' => '/tmp/data.txt'

    The message method returns the message object, so if you prefer you can
    set those properties directly in the message object, like this:

     $msg = $results->error('do-not-find-file');
     $msg->{'path'} = $file_path;


    $results->success() returns true or false to indicate the success state
    of the process. Success is determined in one of two ways: if the
    success property is defined, then the boolean value of that property is
    returned. Else, if there are any messages in the errors array, then
    false is returned, else true is returned. success() always returns
    either 1 or 0.

    Here are some examples of some results objects and what success()

     # empty hash returns true
     # defined, false value of the success property returns false
     { 'success'=>0 }
     # errors array with at least one message returns false
     # If there is a conflict between explicit success and the errors array, then
     # the explicit success is returned. That's confusing, so try to avoid that.


    $results->failure() simply returns the boolean opposite of
    $results->success(). $results->failure() always returns 1 or 0.

 succeed(), fail()

    $results->succeed() and $results->fail() explicitly set the success
    state of the results object. All they do is set the success property to
    1 (succeed) or 0 (fail).

 unsucceed(), unfail()

    $results->unsucceed() and $results->unfail() do the same thing: delete
    the success proeperty.


    $results->json() returns a JSON representation of the results object.
    That's all, it takes no params, it just returns a JSON string.

    OK, one minor thing to note is that the success property is set to the
    JSON value of true or false. Other then that, nothing complicated.


    Copyright (c) 2016 by Miko O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. This
    program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself. This software comes with NO
    WARRANTY of any kind.


    Miko O'Sullivan


    Version: 0.01


      * Version 0.01 Aug 9, 2016

      Initial release.

      * Version 0.02 Aug 15, 2016

      Adding Process::Results::Holder to Process::Results.