NAME Stash::REST - Add Requests into stash. Then, Extends with Class::Trigger! SYNOPSIS use Stash::REST; use JSON; $obj = Stash::REST->new( do_request => sub { my $req = shift; # in case of testings my ($res, $c) = ctx_request($req); return $res; # in case of using LWP $req->uri($req->uri->abs( '' )); return LWP::UserAgent->new->request($req); }, decode_response => sub { my $res = shift; return decode_json($res->content); } ); # you can write/read stash anytime $obj->stash('foo') # returns undef $obj->stash->{'foo'} = 3; $obj->stash('foo') # returns 3 $obj->rest_post( '/zuzus', name => 'add zuzu', # you can send fields for your custom on extensions. list => 1, stash => 'easyname', prepare_request => sub { is(ref $_[0], 'HTTP::Request', 'HTTP::Request recived on prepare_request'); $run++; }, [ name => 'foo', ] ); is($run, '2', '2 executions of prepare_request'); $obj->rest_put( $obj->stash('easyname.url'), name => 'update zuzu', [ new_option => 'new value' ] ); $obj->rest_reload('easyname'); $obj->stash_ctx( 'easyname.get', sub { my ($me) = @_; is( $me->{name}, 'AAAAAAAAA', 'name updated!' ); } ); # reload expecting a different code. $obj->rest_reload( 'easyname', code => 404 ); $obj->rest_reload_list('easyname'); # HEAD return $res instead of parsed response my $res = $obj->rest_head( $obj->stash('easyname.url'), ); is($res->headers->header('foo'), '1', 'header is present'); $obj->stash->{'easyname'} # parsed response for POST /zuzus $obj->stash->{''} # HashRef->{id} if exists, from POST response. $obj->stash->{'easyname.get'} # parsed response of GET /zuzus/1 (from Location) $obj->stash->{'easyname.url'} # 'zuzus/1' if list => 1 is passed: $obj->stash->{'easyname.list'} # parsed response for GET '/zuzus' $obj->stash->{'easyname.list-url'} # '/zuzus' # this $obj->stash_ctx( 'easyname.get', sub { my ($me) = @_; } ); # equivalent to my $me = $c->stash->{'easyname.get'}; # can be useful for testing/context isolation $obj->stash_ctx( 'easyname.list', sub { my ($me) = @_; ok( $me = delete $me->{zuzus}, 'zuzu list exists' ); is( @$me, 1, '1 zuzu' ); is( $me->[0]{name}, 'foo', 'listing ok' ); } ); $obj->rest_delete( $obj->stash('easyname.url') ); DESCRIPTION Stash::REST helps you use HTTP::Request::Common to create requests and put responses into a stash for further user. The main objective is to encapsulate the most used HTTP methods and expected response codes for future extensions and analysis by other modules, using the callbacks Class::Trigger. METHODS new Stash::REST->new( do_request => sub { ... }, decode_response => sub { ... } ); rest_get Similar to: $self->rest_post( $url, code => 200, %conf, method => 'GET' ); rest_put Similar to: $self->rest_post( $url, code => ( exists $conf{is_fail} ? 400 : 202 ), %conf, method => 'PUT', ); rest_head Similar to: $self->rest_post( $url, code => 200, %conf, method => 'HEAD', ); rest_delete Similar to: $self->rest_post( $url, code => 204, %conf, method => 'DELETE' ); _capture_args This is a private method. It parse and validate params for rest_post and above methods. my ($self, $url, %conf) = &_capture_args(@_); So, @_ must have a items like this: $self, # (required) self object $url, # (required) a string. If ARRAY $url will return a join '/', @$url %conf, # (optional) configuration hash (AKA list). Odd number will cause problems. $data # (optional) ArrayRef, send on body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded data on POST | PUT # $data can be also sent as $conf{data} = [ ... ] rest_post This is the main method, and accept some options on %conf. Defaults options is_fail => 0, This test if $res->is_success must be true or false. Die with confess if not archived. code => is_fail ? 400 : 201, This test if $res->code equivalent to expected. Die with confess if not archived. Optional options: stash => 'foobar' Load parsed response on $obj-stash->{foobar} > and some others fields $obj-stash->{} > if response code is 201 and parsed response contains ->{id} $obj-stash->{foobar.url} > if response code is 201 and header contains Location (confess if missed) params => [] Add query params to URI $obj->rest_post( '/foo?you_can_put_here=1', list => 1, stash => 'easyname', params => [ and_continue_with_other_params => 'here' ], data => [ data_here_are_sent_on_body => '1' ] ); headers => [], Add headers on the main request. You can use this to modify the default HTTP::Request::Common header for $data # POST body with JSON: $obj->rest_post( '/post-with-params?api_key=1', stash => 'testparams', code => 200, params => [ another_key => 2 ], headers => [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', ], data => encode_json( { hello => 'json' } ), ); prepare_request => sub {} Modify secondary requests like GET /foo or GET Location after a POST /foo $obj->rest_post( '/foo', list => 1, stash => 'easyname', prepare_request => sub { is(ref $_[0], 'HTTP::Request', 'HTTP::Request recived on prepare_request'); $run++; }, data => [ name => 'foo' ] ); list => 1, If true, Location header will be looked and a GET on Location will occur and parsed data will be stashed on $obj-stash->{foobar.list} > and list-url on $obj-stash->{foobar.list-url} > skip_response_tests => 1, If true, automatic load of Location on 201 will not be executed. callbacks process_request process_response process_response_success response_decoded item_loaded stash_added list_loaded Can be used in addition to the Class::Trigger in a one-execution callback. stash_ctx $obj->stash_ctx( 'easyname.get', sub { my ($me) = @_; } ); Get an stash-name and run a CodeRef with the stash as first @_ rest_reload Reload the GET easyname.url and put on stash. $obj->rest_reload( 'easyname' ); # reload expecting a different code. $obj->rest_reload( 'easyname', code => 404 ); When response is 404, some stash{easyname} is cleared. rest_reload_list Reload the GET easyname.list-url and put on stash. $obj->rest_reload_list('easyname'); This response code must be 200 OK. stash Copy from old, but $t->stash('foo') = $t->stash->{'foo'} Returns a hashref to the stash, which may be used to store data and pass it between components during a test. You can also set hash keys by passing arguments. Unlike catalyst, it's never cleared, so, it lasts until object this destroy. $t->stash->{foo} = $bar; $t->stash( { moose => 'majestic', qux => 0 } ); $t->stash( bar => 1, gorch => 2 ); # equivalent to passing a hashref Tests Coverage I'm always trying to improve those numbers. Improve branch number is a very time-consuming task. There is a room for test all checking and defaults on tests. @ version 0.05 ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ File stmt bran cond sub pod time total ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ blib/lib/Stash/ 96.4 74.5 68.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 86.7 Total 96.4 74.5 68.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 86.7 ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Class::Trigger names Updated @ Stash-REST 0.05 $ grep '$self0_05->call_trigger' lib/Stash/ | perl -ne '$_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/self-/self0_04-/; print' | sort | uniq Trigger / variables: $self0_05->call_trigger( 'after_stash_ctx', { stash => $staname, results => \@ret }); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'before_rest_delete', { url => $url, conf => \%conf } ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'before_rest_get', { url => $url, conf => \%conf } ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'before_rest_head', { url => $url, conf => \%conf } ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'before_rest_post', { url => $url, conf => \%conf } ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'before_rest_put', { url => $url, conf => \%conf } ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'before_stash_ctx', { stash => $staname } ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'item_loaded', { stash => $stashkey, conf => \%conf }); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'list_loaded', { stash => $stashkey, conf => \%conf } ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'process_request', {req => $req, conf => \%conf} ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'process_response', {req => $req, res => $res, conf => \%conf} ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'process_response_success', {req => $req, res => $res, conf => \%conf} ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'response_decoded', {req => $req, res => $res, decoded => $obj, conf => \%conf} ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'stash_added', { stash => $stashkey, conf => \%conf } ); $self0_05->call_trigger( 'stash_removed', { stash => $stashkey, conf => \%conf } ); Updated @ Stash-REST 0.04 *** PLEASE UPGRADE TO NEW VERSION *** $ grep '$self->call_trigger' lib/Stash/ | perl -ne '$_ =~ s/^\s+//; $_ =~ s/self-/self0_04-/; print' | sort | uniq Trigger / variables: $self0_04->call_trigger('after_stash_ctx', $staname, \@ret); $self0_04->call_trigger('before_rest_delete', \$url, \$data, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('before_rest_get', \$url, \$data, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('before_rest_head', \$url, \$data, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('before_rest_post', \$url, \$data, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('before_rest_put', \$url, \$data, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('before_stash_ctx', $staname); $self0_04->call_trigger('item_loaded', $stashkey, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('list_loaded', $stashkey, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('process_request', \$req, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('process_response', \$req, \$res, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('process_response_success', \$req, \$res, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('response_decoded', \$req, \$res, \$obj, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('stash_added', $stashkey, \%conf); $self0_04->call_trigger('stash_removed', $stashkey, \%conf); AUTHOR Renato CRON <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015- Renato CRON Thanks to LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Stash::REST::TestMore, Class::Trigger