NAME Term::Table2 - Provides formatted output of tables supplied as a combination of header and rows. VERSION Version 1.0.3 (The versioning is conform with <>.) SYNOPSIS use Term::Table2; my $table = Term::Table2->new( # based on array of rows header => [ # defaults to output without header 'id', 'message type', 'comment', 'version', ], rows => [ # each element must contain array of scalars, ['SalcatKIAEST', 315, '', '001'], # all arrays must have the same length ['SbakerKI2824', 997, '', 'SHP'], ... ], broad_column => [CUT, WRAP, CUT, CUT], # defaults to wrap for all values in columns broad_header => [CUT, WRAP, CUT, CUT], # defaults to wrap for all values in headers broad_row => CUT, # defaults to row wrap; supports split to other page, too collapse => [0, 1, 1, 1], # defaults to no collapse for all columns column_width => [12, undef, 10, 3], # defaults to maximum text length within header / values pad => 2, # defaults to 1 for each side page_height => 100, # defaults to 0 (no paging) table_width => 120, # defaults to screen size ); say while $table->fetch(); # or my $table = Term::Table2->new( # based on callback for rows rows => &{$dbObject->fetch()}, # returns reference to array, all arrays must have the same length broad_column => CUT, # considered as the same value for all columns broad_row => CUT, # considered as the same value for all columns column_Width => 20, # considered as the same value for all columns, does not have any default pad => 2, # defaults to 1 for each side page_height => 100, # defaults to 0 (no paging) separate_rows => 1, # defaults to 0 (no rows separation) table_width => 120, # defaults to screen size ); say while $table->fetch(); # or say foreach @{Term::Table2->new(...)->fetch_all()}; This prints a table like this: +----------------+-----------+-------+ | id | message | ver | | | type | | +----------------+-----------+-------+ | SalcatKIAEST | 315 | 001 | | SbakerKI2824 | 997 | SHP | | ... | ... | ... | +----------------+-----------+-------+ or like this: +----------------+-----------+-------+ | id | message | ver | | | type | | +----------------+-----------+-------+ | SalcatKIAEST | 315 | 001 | +----------------+-----------+-------+ | SbakerKI2824 | 997 | SHP | +----------------+-----------+-------+ | ... | ... | ... | +----------------+-----------+-------+ DESCRIPTION Provides a possibility for formatting of tables supplied in form of their row contents and headers. Trailing blanks - both in header and row contents - are ignored! Among other things supports both horizontal and vertical splitting (paging), in other words can cope with tables wider and / or higher than the size of page you intend to use. Too long table rows and cell contents can be wrapped / truncated depending on options supplied. Parameters supplied get validated, however the validation scope and its time point depend on the kind of row content transmission. In case of rows supplied as an array reference all parameters are validated during the instantiating of Term::Table2 object. In case of a reference to callback function only the types of parameters can be validated during the object instantiating, whereas their values can first be checked after the very first row will have been delivered by the callback function. If table contains some wide unicode characters, the representation will only be correct if the module Unicode::GCString is installed and the Perl has been compiled without the debugging option (i.e. without -DDEBUGGING), otherwise this can be twisted but no exception will be raised. The reason, why the debugging option leads to troubles in form of the error *perl: sv.c:2336: Perl_sv_2iv_flags: Assertion `SvTYPE(sv) != SVt_PVAV && SvTYPE(sv) != SVt_PVHV && SvTYPE(sv) != SVt_PVFM' failed* using this module is still unclear. COMMON METHODS new Description Constructor preparing a table output on the base of options supplied. use Term::Table2; my $table = Term::Table2->new(%options); %options * header => *<array reference>* Considers each element of this array as a header of column with the same index. If a header exists, if always starts and ends with a separating line consisting of hyphens (-) and plus characters (+). Undefined or non-scalar elements cause an exception. Defaults to output without any header at all. * rows => *<reference to array of array references>* or rows => *<refere nce to callback function>* In case of an array reference considers each element of this array as a single table tow, where each sub-element corresponds to a single column value. In case of a reference to callback function it is expected that this function returns an array reference corresponding to one table row. After the very last row is fetched (e.g. from a database) the callback function has to return undef. The table content (rows) always ends with the same separating line as described for the header. Undefined rows in case of an array reference as well as rows not represented by an array reference cause an exception. Undefined or non-scalar sub-elements (column values) cause an exception. Defaults to output without table content at all. * broad_column => *<array reference>* or broad_column => *<scalar>* Considers each element of this array as a flag defining the behaviour in case of too broad cell content. In case of scalar its value is applied to all columns. Whether a cell content (including padding required) is too broad, depends on the width of the corresponding column (please refer to column_width below) and on the table width (please refer to table_width below). If the table width is exceeded, the formatting depends on broad_row described below. If the table width is not exceeded but the column width is exceeded, the following possibilities are supported: CUT Only the allowed amount of left-most characters will be kept, the rest will be cut off. WRAP The cell content will be splitted into mutliple chunks in accordance with how many characters are allowed (except maybe of the very last chunk that can be shorter). As a result each cell in the corresponding table row will occupy multiple lines. Any value except of CUT and WRAP causes an exception. Defaults to WRAP. * broad_header => *<array reference>* or broad_header => *<scalar>* Considers each element of this array as a flag defining the behaviour in case of too broad header cells. In case of scalar its value is applied to all columns. Whether a header cell (including padding required) is too broad, depends on the width of the corresponding column (please refer to column_width below) and on the table width (please refer to table_width below). If the table width is exceeded, the formatting depends on broad_row described below. If the table width is not exceeded but the column width is exceeded, the following possibilities are supported: CUT Only the allowed amount of left-most characters will be kept, the rest will be cut off. WRAP The header cell will be splitted into mutliple chunks in accordance with how many characters are allowed (except maybe of the very last chunk that can be shorter). As a result the table header will occupy multiple lines. Any value except of CUT and WRAP causes an exception. Defaults to WRAP. * broad_row => *<scalar>* Defines the behaviour in case of too broad row (including padding required). Whether a row is too broad depends on the table width (please refer to table_width below). If the table width is exceeded, the following possibilities are supported: CUT Only the allowed amount of left-most characters in each line of each table row will be kept, the rest will be cut off. SPLIT Each line of each table row will be splitted into mutliple chunks in accordance with how many characters are allowed by table_width (except maybe of the very last chunk that can be shorter). Each next chunk will then be pushed into the result related to the next page so that the complete table row will be splitted "horizontally" and occupy multiple pages (this can be considered as a table cut through between some columns or even mid-column so that it should be afterwards stick together). This value applied in case of rows referring to a callback function causes an exception. WRAP Each line of each table row will be splitted into mutliple chunks in accordance with how many characters are allowed by table_width (except maybe of the very last chunk that can be shorter). All these chunks will then be pushed into the same result just after each other so that the complete table row will be wrapped and occupy multiple lines. Defaults to WRAP. * collapse => *<array reference>* or collapse => *<scalar>* Considers each element of this array as a flag defining the behaviour in case of column containing empty strings only. In case of scalar its value is applied to all columns. If an element is set to true (in terms of Perl) and the corresponding column contains empty strings only, this column will not be placed into the result. Defaults to false for all columns. This option has no effect in case of rows referring to a callback function. * column_width => *<array reference>* or column_width => *<scalar>* Considers each element of this array as maximum width of the same-indexed column excluding padding. In case of scalar its value is applied to all columns. The area of allowable values depends on the value of rows as mentioned below: - In case of rows => *<reference to array of array references>* If an element is set to 0 or exported constant ADJUST, the maximum length of values without trailing spaces in the column will be applied. Any value that is defined but not zero or a positive integer causes an exception. Defaults to ADJUST. - In case of rows => *<reference to callback function>* All column widths must be pre-defined explicitly, there is no default. Any value that is defined but not a positive integer causes an exception. * pad => *<array reference>* or pad => *<scalar>* Number of spaces to be added to each header / column value both on the left and on the right. In case of scalar its value is applied to all columns. If defined but not zero or a positive integer, causes an exception. Defaults to 1. * page_height => *<scalar>* Defines if the header must be repeated at the top of each page and how long must be each page. If set to 0 or exported constant ADJUST, the paging will be deactivated to that the header will appear in the result only once (if any). If defined but not zero or a positive integer, causes an exception. If lower than the height of the header + number of row chunks as described for broad_row, causes an exception. Defaults to the current screen height. * separate_rows => *<scalar>* Flag defining if a separating lines must be placed between table rows. Any value but false is considered true (in terms of Perl). The separating line itself consists of hyphens (-) placed under each cell and plus characters (+) placed between cells and at the table edges. Defaults to false (no separating line). * table_width => *<scalar>* Defines the table width including column separators. If set to 0 or exported constant ADJUST, there is no limitation so that the table width will depend on the column widths. If defined but not zero or a positive integer, causes an exception. If lower than the width of the narrowest possible column i.e. the column containing 1 character, its left-side separator and its left-side paddings, causes an exception. Defaults to the current screen width. Returns * Object reference. Exceptions * Header has less cells than a table row does. * Page height is too low. * Table width is too low. fetch Description Returns next line from the formatting result delivering undef if all lines are exhausted. The result depends on the screen size being current during the new execution. say while $table->fetch(); Parameters None. Returns Single result line as string. Exceptions * Current row contains a non-scalar cell value (in case of rows => *<reference to callback function>* only). * Current row is not an array reference (in case of rows => *<reference to callback function>* only). * Wrong number of cells in the current row (in case of rows => *<reference to callback function>* only). fetch_all Description Returns all remaining result lines as a reference to array of strings. say foreach @{$table->fetch_all()}; Parameters None. Returns Array of strings, each of them corresponds to a result line. Exceptions See exception description of fetch. GETTERS header Description Provides reference to array containing single column headers. my $header = $table->header(); Parameters None. Returns Reference to array of strings, each of them corresponds to a header of the same-index column. rows Description Provides either reference to array containing all table rows or reference to callback function returning a single table row per call. my $rows = $table->rows(); Parameters None. Returns One of the following: * Reference to array of array references. * Reference to callback function. broad_column Description Provides reference to array containing flags defining behaviour in case of too broad column values. my $broad_column = $table->broad_column(); Parameters None. Returns Reference to array of flags, each of them corresponds to the same-index column. broad_header Description Provides reference to array containing flags defining behaviour in case of too broad header values. my $broad_header = $table->broad_header(); Parameters None. Returns Reference to array of flags, each of them corresponds to the same-index column. broad_row Description Provides flag defining behaviour in case of too broad row (wider than the table width). my $broad_row = $table->broad_row(); Parameters None. Returns Scalar containing flag value. collapse Description Provides reference to array containing flags defining behaviour in case of column containing empty strings only. my $collapse = $table->collapse(); Parameters None. Returns Reference to array of flags, each of them corresponds to the same-index column. column_width Description Provides reference to array containing real width of columns really presented in the result (under consideration of collaps flags, table_width, and broad_row flag). my $column_width = $table->column_width(); Parameters None. Returns Reference to array of column widths. current_row Description Provides order number of currently processed row (row counter starts with 1). If the very last row has been delivered, contains *number of rows* + 1 and does not change anymore. Returns 0 in case of empty table. my $current_row = $table->current_row(); Parameters None. Returns Scalar containing current row number. end_of_table Description Provides boolean value showing if the end of the table has been reached. while ($table->end_of_table()) { ... } Parameters None. Returns Boolean flag. pad Description Provides reference to array containing number of spaces to be added both on the left and on the right of each column value. my @pad = @{$table->pad()}; Parameters None. Returns Reference to array containing the size of padding space for each side of every column. page_height Description Provides number of lines per page. my $page_height = $table->page_height(); Parameters None. Returns Scalar containing the page height. separate_rows Description Provides boolean flag showing if a separating lines must be placed between table rows. my $separate_rows = $table->separate_rows(); Parameters None. Returns Scalar containing the flag. table_width Description Provides maximum number of characters per line. my $table_width = $table->table_width(); Parameters None. Returns Scalar containing the table width. CONSTANTS The following constants are exported by request: ADJUST Equates the column width to the length of the longest cell content in this column. Contains 0. CUT Activates truncating of row / cell content. Contains 0. SPLIT Activates vertical splitting of table by page width. Contains 1. WRAP Wraps row / cell content. Contains 2. AUTHOR Jurij Fajnberg, <fajnbergj at> BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-term-ansitable at, or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2019 Jurij Fajnberg This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: <> Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license. If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license. This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed. Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.