DBD::PgPPSjis - Pure-Perl DBI driver for (not raw) ShiftJIS


    use DBI;
    $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:PgPPSjis:test',...);


  This software was made from DBD::PgPP to support ShiftJIS scripting.

  DBD::PgPPSjis is a pure-Perl client interface for the PostgreSQL database.
  This module implements the network protocol that allows a client to
  communicate with a PostgreSQL server, so you don't need an external PostgreSQL
  client library like libpq for it to work.  That means this module enables you
  to connect to PostgreSQL server from platforms where there's no PostgreSQL
  port, or where installing PostgreSQL is prohibitively hard.


  1. Copy DBD/ to @INC directory.


  This module uses the following other modules and libraries:

    IO::Socket (ships with supported Perl versions)
    Digest::MD5 (ships with supported Perl versions)


  The test suite requires access to a suitable PostgreSQL server; without
  that, only an extremely limited form of testing is possible.

  To tell the test suite how to find a PostgreSQL server, set the following
  environment variables:

  DBI_DSN (required)
    A DBI "data source name" indicating the location of the database.  For
    example, to connect to the database named "abc" over a Unix-domain
    socket stored in /var/run/postgresql, use this DSN:

      export DBI_DSN='dbi:PgPPSjis:dbname=abc;path=/var/run/postgresql'

    Or to connect to a database of the same name, using a TCP connection to, use this:

      export DBI_DSN='dbi:PgPPSjis:dbname=abc;'

    See the DBD::PgPPSjis documentation for full details on what can go into
    a DBD::PgPPSjis DSN.

  DBI_USER (optional)
    The username to connect as; defaults to the database name

  DBI_PASS (optional)
    The password needed to allow the given user to authenticate to the
    server.  Some configurations of PostgreSQL allow connection without a
    password; you don't need to set a DBI_PASS in such cases.


  If you find what seems to be a bug in DBD::PgPPSjis, please use RT to report
  it to the maintainers:

  Please supply any information that could help with reproducing the bug.
  For example, if the bug only appears when DBD::PgPPSjis is used with certain
  database schemas, a description (or even a dump) of the schema in question
  would be useful.


  ShiftJIS support 2015, 2018 INABA Hitoshi
  Copyright (C) 2004 Hiroyuki OYAMA.  All rights reserved.
  Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010 Aaron Crane.  All rights reserved.

  DBD::PgPPSjis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  under the terms of Perl itself, that is to say, under the terms of either:

  * The GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
    either version 2, or (at your option) any later version, or

  * The "Artistic License" which comes with Perl.