# Grammar::PrettyErrors [](https://travis-ci.org/bduggan/p6-grammar-prettyerrors) Make grammars fail parsing with a pretty error instead of returning nil. ## SYNOPSIS Input: ```raku use Grammar::PrettyErrors; grammar G does Grammar::PrettyErrors { rule TOP { 'orange'+ % ' ' } } # Handle the failure. G.parse('orange orange orange banana') orelse say "parse failed at line {.exception.line}"; # Don't handle it, an exception will be thrown: G.parse('orange orange orange banana'); ``` Output: ``` failed at line 1 --errors-- 1 │▶orange orange orange banana ^ Uh oh, something went wrong around line 1. Unable to parse TOP. ``` ## DESCRIPTION When the `Grammar::PrettyErrors` role is applied to a Grammar, it changes the behavior of a parse failure. Instead of returning `nil`, a failure is thrown. The exception object has information about the context of the failure, and a pretty error message that includes some context around the input text. It works by wrapping the `<ws>` token and keeping track of a highwater mark (the position), and the name of the most recent rule that was encountered. You can also use a token other than `<ws>` by sending a parameter to the role with the name of the token to use, e.g. ``` grammar G does Grammar::PrettyErrors["myws"] { ... token myws { ... } } ``` This technique is described by moritz in his excellent book [0] (see below). ## CLASSES, ROLES ### Grammar::PrettyErrors (Role) #### ATTRIBUTES * `quiet` -- Bool, default false: just save the error, don't throw it. * `colors` -- Bool, default true: make output colorful. * `error` -- a `X::Grammar::PrettyError` object (below). #### METHODS * `new` -- wraps the `<ws>` token as described above, it also takes additional named arguments (to set the ATTRIBUTEs above). ### X::Grammar::PrettyError (class) #### METHODS * `line` -- the line number at which the parse failed (starting at 1). Or 0 if no lines were parsed; * `column` -- the column at which the parse failed (starting at 1). Or 0 if no characters were parsed; * `lastrule` -- the last rule which was parsed. * `report` -- the text of a report including the above information, with a few lines before and after. (see SYNOPSIS) * `message` -- Same as `report`. ## EXAMPLES ``` grammar G does Grammar::PrettyErrors { ... } # Throw an exception with a message when a parse fails. G.parse('orange orange orange banana'); # Same thing G.new.parse('orange orange orange banana'); # Pass options to the constructor. Don't throw a failure. my $g = G.new(:quiet, :!colors); $g.parse('orange orange orange banana'); # Just print it ourselves. say .report with $g.error; # Use the failure to handle it without throwing it. G.parse('orange orange orange banana') orelse say "parse failed at line {.exception.line}"; ``` ## SEE ALSO * [0] [Parsing with Perl 6 Regexes and Grammars](https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484232279) and the accompanying [code](https://github.com/Apress/perl-6-regexes-and-grammars/blob/master/chapter-11-error-reporting/03-high-water-mark.p6) * Grammar::ErrorReporting ## AUTHOR Brian Duggan