# TITLE Inline::Python [](https://travis-ci.org/niner/Inline-Python) # SYNOPSIS ``` use Inline::Python; my $py = Inline::Python.new(); $py.run('print("hello world")'); # Or say EVAL('1+3', :lang<Python>); use string:from<Python>; say string::capwords('foo bar'); # prints "Foo Bar" ``` # DESCRIPTION Module for executing Python code and accessing Python libraries from Perl 6. # BUILDING You will need a Python built with the -fPIC option (position independent code). Most distributions build their Python that way. To do this with pyenv, use something like: ``` PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared" pyenv install 2.7.12 pyenv global 2.7.12 pyenv rehash ``` With a python in your path, then build: ``` perl6 configure.pl6 make test make install ``` # AUTHOR Stefan Seifert <nine@detonation.org>