In your command-line script (e.g. named list-cpan-dists):

     use JSON qw(decode_json);
     use LWP::Simple;
     use Perinci::CmdLine::Easy qw(run_cmdline_app);
         summary => "List CPAN distributions that belong to an author",
         sub     => sub {
             my $cpanid = shift or die "Please supply CPAN ID\n";
             my $res = get "".
                 or die "Can't query MetaCPAN";
             $res = $json->decode($res);
             die "MetaCPAN timed out\n" if $res->{timed_out};
             my @dists;
             for my $hit (@{ $res->{hits}{hits} }) {
                 my $dist = $hit->{fields}{name};
                 $dist =~ s/-\d.+//;
                 push @dists, $dist;
         argv    => [qw/cpanid*/],

    To run this program:

     % list-cpan-dists --help ;# display help message
     % LANG=id_ID list-cpan-dists --help ;# display help message in Indonesian
     % list-cpan-dists SHARYANTO

    To do bash tab completion:

     % complete -C list-cpan-dists list-cpan-dists
     % list-cpan-dists <tab> ;# completes to --help, --version, --cpanid, etc
     % list-cpan-dists --c<tab> ;# completes to --cpanid


    NOTE: This is an experimental module.

    Perinci::CmdLine::Easy is a thin wrapper for Perinci::CmdLine and is
    meant to be a gentler or easier alternative to Perinci::CmdLine. You do
    not need to know any Rinci or Riap concepts, or provide your own
    metadata. Just supply the subroutine, summary, list of arguments, and
    you're good to go. Of course, if you need more customization, there's

    What you'll get:

      * Command-line options parsing

      * Help message (supports translation)

      * Tab completion for bash

      * Formatting of output (supports complex data structure)

      * Logging

