NAME POE::Component::Client::Pastebot - Interact with Bot::Pastebot web services from POE. SYNOPSIS use strict; use POE qw(Component::Client::Pastebot); my $pastebot = ''; my $pbobj = POE::Component::Client::Pastebot->spawn( alias => 'pococpb' ); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ 'main' => [ qw(_start _got_paste _got_fetch) ], ], ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; sub _start { seek( DATA, 0, 0 ); local $/; my $source = <DATA>; $poe_kernel->post( 'pococpb', 'paste', { event => '_got_paste', url => $pastebot, paste => $source, channel => '#perl', nick => 'pococpb', summary => 'POE::Component::Client::Pastebot synopsis', }, ); undef; } sub _got_paste { my ($kernel,$ref) = @_[KERNEL,ARG0]; if ( $ref->{pastelink} ) { print STDOUT $ref->{pastelink}, "\n"; $kernel->post( 'pococpb', 'fetch', { event => '_got_fetch', url => $ref->{pastelink} } ); return; } warn $ref->{error}, "\n"; $kernel->post( 'pococpb', 'shutdown' ); undef; } sub _got_fetch { my ($kernel,$ref) = @_[KERNEL,ARG0]; if ( $ref->{content} ) { print STDOUT $ref->{content}, "\n"; } else { warn $ref->{error}, "\n"; } $kernel->post( 'pococpb', 'shutdown' ); undef; } DESCRIPTION POE::Component::Client::Pastebot is a POE component that provides convenient mechanisms to paste and fetch pastes from Bot::Pastebot based web services. It was inspired by <> pbotutil. CONSTRUCTOR "spawn" Starts a new POE::Component::Client::Pastebot session and returns an object. Takes a number of arguments all are optional. 'alias', specify a POE Kernel alias for the component; 'options', a hashref of POE Session options to pass to the component's session; METHODS "session_id" Takes no arguments. Returns the POE Session ID of the component. "shutdown" Takes no arguments, terminates the component. INPUT EVENTS What POE events our component will accept. "paste" Sends a paste request to a pastebot url. Accepts either a hashref of the following values or a list of the same: 'event', the name of the event to send the reply to. ( Mandatory ); 'url', the URL of the pastebot to paste to. ( Mandatory ); 'paste', either a scalar or arrayref of data to paste, ( Mandatory ); 'channel', the channel to annouce to; 'nick', the nickname to annouce from; 'summary', brief description of the paste; You may also pass arbitary key/values in the hashref ( as demonstrated in the SYNOPSIS ). Arbitary keys should have an underscore prefix '_'. "fetch" Retrieves the text from a given paste url. Accepts either a hashref of the following values or a list of the same: 'event', the name of the event to send the reply to. ( Mandatory ); 'url', the paste URL to retrieve; You may also pass arbitary key/values in the hashref ( as demonstrated in the SYNOPSIS ). Arbitary keys should have an underscore prefix '_'. "shutdown" Takes no arguments, terminates the component. OUTPUT EVENTS The component will send an event in response to 'paste' and 'fetch' requests. ARG0 of the event will be a hashref containing the key/values of the original request ( including any arbitary key/values passed ). Both request types will have the following common keys: 'error', if something went wrong with the request, this key will be defined with a brief description of the error encountered; 'response', a HTTP::Response object as returned by LWP::UserAgent; The following additional key/values will be present depending on the type of request made: "paste" 'pastelink', the URL of the paste that was made; "fetch" 'content', the contents of the paste URL that was retrieved; AUTHOR Chris "BinGOs" Williams <> LICENSE Copyright � Chris Williams. This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details. SEE ALSO POE Bot::Pastebot HTTP::Response <>