Net::AIM v1.01 README 
$Date: 2001/10/26 03:54:59 $

      This module is an implementation of the AOL Instant Messenger TOC 
protocol.  I've written and rewritten almost all the code.  It works fairly
and is pretty reliable. The intent for this version was to make an 
easily usable module for creating AIM bots. At this point the
code is pretty straight forward so it should be easily understandable 
unlike the previous version.  

      Net::AIM requires Perl version 5.004 or higher to install and run.
      Also IO::* is needed.

The latest version of Perl can be found at: (for UNIX), or at for various non-Unix machines.

   perl Makefile.PL
   make install

   To make it run from this dir, just do the following:
      ln -s . Net
      ./aimtest <sn> <pass>

Included Scripts:
      A test script (aimtest) is included which is similiar to the Net::IRC 
irctest script.  Ahhh who am I kidding it is practically irctest after 
"perl -pi -e's/irc/aim/g'". Just run ./aimtest provided perl is located in 

      Usage: ./aimtest <screenname> <password>

      After banging my head against the wall for quite some time I figured
out that the module doesn't work if you have 'AIM' (in uppercase) in
the agent/version info that is sent to the server.  So don't put it in 

Copyright info:
This module copyright (c) 1999 Aryeh Goldsmith <>. 
All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

I hope to have current information about the project posted at:

If you would like to contribute to this project or would like to just send me
some feedback please direct email to me at

Thanx folks!   
