Net::AIM v0.01 README Thu Jul 29 19:49:00 EDT 1999

	This module is an implementation of the AOL Instant Messenger TOC 
protocol.  This is the first release meaning it won't contain EVERYTHING. 
It is based on Net::IRC so it has the exact same interface and event 
driven OO model.  I will be fixing the bugs and posting revisions soon.

	Net::AIM requires Perl version 5.004 or higher to install and run.
	Also IO::* is needed.

The latest version of Perl can be found at: (for UNIX), or at for various non-Unix machines.

	perl Makefile.PL
        make install

	To make it run from this dir, just do the following:
		ln -s . Net
		./aimtest <sn> <pass>

Included Scripts:
	A test script (aimtest) is included which is similiar to the Net::IRC 
irctest script.  Ahhh who am I kidding it is practically irctest after 
"perl -pi -e's/irc/aim/g'". Just run ./aimtest provided perl is located in 

	Usage: ./aimtest <screenname> <password>

Copyright info:
This module copyright (c) 1999 Aryeh Goldsmith <>. 
All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

I hope to have current information about the project posted at:

If you would like to contribute to this project or would like to just send me
some feedback please direct email to me at 
Thanx folks!   
