NAME stow-check - Tool to check for which stow dist command is. SYNOPSIS stow-check [-d stow_dir] [-h] [--version] command DESCRIPTION Tool is checking: If command stands in /usr/local/bin If links to __STOW_DIR__/__DIST__/[s]bin/__COMMAND__ If yes, returns __DIST__ name and exit code 0. If no, returns error message to STDERR and exit code 1. ARGUMENTS * "-d stow_dir" Stow directory. Default value is '/usr/local/stow'. * "-h" Print help. * "--version" Print version of script. * "command" Command name (e.g. openssl). ERRORS Command '%s' doesn't use stow. Command '%s' don't use 'bin/sbin' path. Command '%s' not found. Stow directory '%s' doesn't exist. EXAMPLE1 stow-check -h EXAMPLE2 stow-check __COMMAND_IN_STOW_DIR__ REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2021-2022 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.03