package MyApp;
        use Dancer2;
        use Dancer2::Plugin::ParamTypes;

        # First we define some type checks
        # Read below for explanation
        register_type_check 'Int' => sub {...};
        register_type_check 'Str' => sub {...};

        get '/:id' => with_types [
            # Required
            [ 'route', 'id',  'Int' ],
            [ 'query', 'num', 'Int' ],

            # Optional, either as query or body
            'optional' => [ [ 'query', 'body' ], 'name', 'Str' ],
        ] => sub {
            my $id  = route_parameters->{'id'};
            my @num = query_parameters->get_all('num');

        # If we define our own action
        register_type_action 'SpecialError' => sub {...};

        # We can now use it in the type check
        get '/' => with_types [
            [ 'query', 'id', 'Int', 'SpecialError' ]
        ] => sub {

    This is a simple module that allows you to provide a stanza of parameter
    type checks for your routes.

    It supports all three possible sources: "route", "query", and "body".

    Currently no types are available in the system, so you will need to
    write your own code to add them. See the following methods below.

    First you must register a type check, allowing you to test stuff:

        register_type_check 'Int' => sub {
            return Scalar::Util::looks_like_number( $_[0] );

        register_type_action 'MyError' => sub {
            my ( $self, $details ) = @_;

            my $source = $details->{'source'};
            my $name   = $details->{'name'};
            my $type   = $details->{'type'};
            my $action = $details->{'action'};

            send_error("Type check failed for $name ($type)");

    "with_types" defines checks for parameters for a route request.

        get '/:name' => with_request [

            # Basic usage
            [ SOURCE, NAME, TYPE ]

            # Provide a custom action
            [ SOURCE, NAME, TYPE, ACTION ]

            # Provide multiple sources (either one will work)
            [ [ SOURCE1, SOURCE2 ], NAME, TYPE ],

            # Optional type check
            # (if available will be checked, otherwise ignored)
            'optional' => [ SOURCE, NAME, TYPE ]

        ] => sub {

    Above are all the options, but they will also work in any other

  Connecting existing type systems
    Because each type check is a callback, you can connect these to other
    type systems:

        register_type_check 'Str' => sub {
            require MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base;

            # This call will die when failing,
            # so we put it in an eval
            eval {
                MooX::Types::MooseLike::Base::Str->( $_[0] );
            } or return;

            return 1;

  Creating your own pre-defined type checks
    The following is a simple example of introducing a subclass of this
    plugin in order to create your own version with pre-defined checks.

        package Dancer2::Plugin::MyParamTypes;
        use strict;
        use warnings;
        use Dancer2::Plugin;

        # subclass

        # define our own plugin keyword

        # which simply calls the parent
        sub with_types {
            my $self = shift;
            return $self->SUPER::with_types(@_);

        sub BUILD {
            my $self = shift;

            # register our own type checks
                'Int' => sub { Scalar::Util::looks_like_number( $_[0] ) },

    Later, the application can simply use this module:

        package MyApp;
        use Dancer2;
        use Dancer2::Plugin::MyParamTypes;

        get '/' => with_types [
            [ 'query', 'id', 'Int' ],
        ] => sub {...};