[](https://travis-ci.org/moznion/p6-Object-Container) NAME ==== Object::Container - A simple container for object for perl6 SYNOPSIS ======== Instance method --------------- use Object::Container; my $container = Object::Container.new; $container.register('obj1', $obj1); $container.register('obj2', $obj2); $container.get('obj1'); # <= equals $obj1 $container.get('obj2'); # <= equals $obj2 $container.get('not-existed'); # <= equals Nil Class method (singleton) ------------------------ use Object::Container; Object::Container.register('obj1', $obj1); Object::Container.register('obj2', $obj2); Object::Container.get('obj1'); # <= equals $obj1 Object::Container.get('obj2'); # <= equals $obj2 Object::Container.get('not-existed'); # <= equals Nil DESCRIPTION =========== Object::Container is a simple container for object. A simple DI mechanism can be implemented easily by using this module. This module provides following features; * Register object to container * Find object from container * Remove registered object from container * Clear container METHODS ======= `register(Str:D $name, Any:D $object)` -------------------------------------- Registers the instantiated object with name in the container. `register(Str:D $name, Callable:D $initializer)` ------------------------------------------------ Registers the `Callable` as initializer to instantiate the object with the name in the container. This method instantiates the object with calling `Callable`. This is a **lazy** way to instantiate; it means it defers instantiation (i.e. calling `Callable`) until `get(...)` is invoked. my $container = Object::Container.new; my $initializer = sub { # Reach here when `$container.get()` is called (only at once) return $something; }; $container.register('obj-name', $initializer); `get(Str:D $name) returns Any` ------------------------------ Finds the registered object from the container by the name and return it. If the object is missing, it returns `Nil`. `remove(Str:D $name) returns Bool` ---------------------------------- Removes the registered object from the container by the name. It returns whether the registered object was existed in the container or not. `clear()` --------- Clears the container. In other words, it rewinds the container to its initial state. Singleton pattern ================= If you use this module with class method (e.g. `Object::Container.register(...)`), this module handles the container as singleton object. AUTHOR ====== moznion <moznion@gmail.com> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2017- moznion This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.