NAME Shout - Perl glue for libshout MP3 streaming source library SYNOPSIS use Shout qw{}; my $conn = new Shout host => 'localhost', port => 8000, mount => 'testing', nonblocking => 0, password => 'pa$$word!', user => 'username', dumpfile => undef, name => 'Wir sind nur Affen', url => '' genre => 'Monkey Music', description => 'A whole lotta monkey music.', format => SHOUT_FORMAT_MP3, protocol => SHOUT_PROTOCOL_HTTP, public => 0; # - or - my $conn = Shout->new(); $conn->host('localhost'); $conn->port(8000); $conn->mount('testing'); $conn->nonblocking(0); $conn->set_password('pa$$word!'); $conn->set_user('username'); $conn->dumpfile(undef); $conn->name('Test libshout-perl stream'); $conn->url(''); $conn->genre('perl'); $conn->format(SHOUT_FORMAT_MP3); $conn->protocol(SHOUT_PROTOCOL_HTTP); $conn->description('Stream with icecast at'); $conn->public(0); ### Set your stream audio parameters for YP if you want $conn->set_audio_info(SHOUT_AI_BITRATE => 128, SHOUT_AI_SAMPLERATE => 44100); ### Connect to the server $conn->open or die "Failed to open: ", $conn->get_error; ### Set stream info $conn->set_metadata('song' => 'Scott Joplin - Maple Leaf Rag'); ### Stream some data my ( $buffer, $bytes ) = ( '', 0 ); while( ($bytes = sysread( STDIN, $buffer, 4096 )) > 0 ) { $conn->send( $buffer ) && next; print STDERR "Error while sending: ", $conn->get_error, "\n"; last; } continue { $conn->sync } ### Now close the connection $conn->close; EXPORTS Nothing by default. :constants The following error constants are exported into your package if the ':constants' tag is given as an argument to the use statement. SHOUT_FORMAT_MP3 SHOUT_FORMAT_VORBIS SHOUT_PROTOCOL_ICY SHOUT_PROTOCOL_XAUDIOCAST SHOUT_PROTOCOL_HTTP SHOUT_AI_BITRATE SHOUT_AI_SAMPLERATE SHOUT_AI_CHANNELS SHOUT_AI_QUALITY :functions The following functions are exported into your package if the ':functions' tag is given as an argument to the use statement. shout_open shout_get_connected shout_close shout_metadata_new shout_metadata_free shout_metadata_add shout_set_metadata shout_send_data shout_sync shout_delay shout_set_host shout_set_port shout_set_mount shout_set_nonblocking shout_set_password shout_set_user shout_set_icq shout_set_irc shout_set_dumpfile shout_set_name shout_set_url shout_set_genre shout_set_description shout_set_public shout_get_host shout_get_port shout_get_mount shout_get_nonblocking shout_get_password shout_get_user shout_get_icq shout_get_irc shout_get_dumpfile shout_get_name shout_get_url shout_get_genre shout_get_description shout_get_public shout_get_error shout_get_errno shout_set_format shout_get_format shout_set_protocol shout_get_protocol shout_set_audio_info shout_get_audio_info shout_queuelen They work almost identically to their libshout C counterparts. See the libshout documentation for more information about how to use the function interface. :all All of the above symbols can be imported into your namespace by giving the ':all' tag as an argument to the use statement. DESCRIPTION This module is an object-oriented interface to libshout, an Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming library that allows applications to easily communicate and broadcast to an Icecast streaming media server. It handles the socket connections, metadata communication, and data streaming for the calling application, and lets developers focus on feature sets instead of implementation details. METHODS Constructor None of the keys are mandatory, and may be set after the connection object is created. This method returns the initialized icecast server connection object. Returns the undefined value on failure. Parameters host destination ip address port destination port mount stream mountpoint nonblocking use nonblocking IO password password to use when connecting user username to use when connecting dumpfile dumpfile for the stream name name of the stream url url of stream's homepage genre genre of the stream format SHOUT_FORMAT_MP3|SHOUT_FORMAT_VORBIS protocol SHOUT_PROTOCOL_ICY|SHOUT_PROTOCOL_XAUDIOCAST|SHOUT_PROTOCOL_HTTP description stream description public list the stream in directory servers? open( undef ) Connect to the target server. Returns undef and sets the object error message if the open fails; returns a true value if the open succeeds. description( $descriptionString ) Get/set the description of the stream. close( undef ) Disconnect from the target server. Returns undef and sets the object error message if the close fails; returns a true value if the close succeeds. dumpfile( $filename ) Get/set the name of the icecast dumpfile for the stream. The dumpfile is a special feature of recent icecast servers. When dumpfile is not undefined, and the x-audiocast protocol is being used, the icecast server will save the stream locally to a dumpfile (a dumpfile is just a raw mp3 stream dump). Using this feature will cause data to be written to the drive on the icecast server, so use with caution, or you will fill up your disk! get_error( undef ) Returns a human-readable error message if one has occurred in the object. Returns the undefined value if no error has occurred. get_errno( undef ) Returns a machine-readable error integer if an error has occurred in the object. Returns the undefined value if no error has occurred. genre( $genreString ) Get/set the stream's genre. host( [$newAddress] ) Get/set the target host for the connection. Argument can be either an address or a hostname. It is a fatal error is the argument is a hostname, and the numeric address cannot be resolved from it. mount( $mountPointName ) Get/set the mountpoint to use when connecting to the server. name( $nameString ) Get/set the name of the stream. password( $password ) Get/set the password to use when connecting to the Icecast server. user( $username ) Get/set the username to use when connecting to the Icecast server. port( $portNumber ) Get/set the port to connect to on the target Icecast server. public( $boolean ) Get/set the connection's public flag. This flag, when set to true, indicates that the stream may be listed in the public directory servers. send( $data[, $length] ) Send the specified data with the optional length to the Icecast server. Returns a true value on success, and returns the undefined value after setting the per-object error message on failure. sync( undef ) Sleep until the connection is ready for more data. This function should be used only in conjuction with send_data(), in order to send data at the correct speed to the icecast server. delay( undef ) Tell how much time (in seconds and fraction of seconds) must be waited until more data can be sent. Use instead of sync() to allow you to do other things while waiting. set_metadata( $newMetadata ) Update the metadata for the connection. Returns a true value if the update succeeds, and the undefined value if it fails. url( $urlString ) Get/set the url of the stream's homepage. Proxy Methods AUTOLOAD( @args ) Provides a proxy for functions and methods which aren't explicitly defined. AUTHOR Jack Moffitt <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2020- Nikolay Shulyakovskiy LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO