In your `dist.ini`:



This is a [Dist::Zilla](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist%3A%3AZilla) plugin bundle. It is somewhat equal to the
following `dist.ini`:

    exclude_filename = .dockerignore
    exclude_filename = .gitlab-ci.yml
    exclude_filename = Dockerfile
    exclude_filename = docker-compose.override.yml
    exclude_filename = docker-compose.yml

    [PromptIfStale 'stale modules, build']
    phase = build
    module = ... ; lookup syntax


    filename = LICENSE

    type = markdown
    readme = README.md


    order_by = commits

    filename = CONTRIBUTORS

    skip = ^perl$
    skip = ^utf8$
    skip = ^warnings$
    skip = ^strict$
    skip = ^overload$
    skip = ^vars$

    configure_finder = :NoFiles


    encoding = bytes
    match = \.ico$
    match = \.docx?$
    match = \.zip$
    match = \.ztb$ ; Mintlab specific
    match = \.pdf$
    match = \.odt$


    copy = cpanfile, Makefile.pl, CONTRIBUTORS, LICENSE, README.md

    [Git::Check 'initial check']
    allow_dirty = dist.ini; only if airplane mode is set

    branch = master
    remote_branch = master

    release_branch = master



    filename = cpanfile, Makefile.pl, CONTRIBUTORS, LICENSE, README.md

    disable = Test::Perl::Critic
    disable = Test::Portability::Files
    disable = Test::Portability

    RewriteVersion::Transitional.global = 1
    RewriteVersion::Transitional.fallback_version_provider = Git::NextVersion
    RewriteVersion::Transitional.version_regexp = ^v([\d._]+)(-TRIAL)?$

    commit_files_after_release = Changes LICENSE README.md

    release snapshot.add_files_in = .
    release snapshot.commit_msg = %N-%v%t%n%n%c

    Git::Tag.tag_message = v%v%t

    BumpVersionAfterRelease::Transitional.global = 1

    NextRelease.time_zone = UTC
    NextRelease.format = %-8v  %{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss\'Z\'}d%{ (TRIAL RELEASE)}T'


## configure

Configure the author plugin

## commit\_files\_after\_release

Commit files after a release

## release\_option

Define the release options. Choose between:

`cpan` or `stratopan`. When fake release is used, this overrides these two options

## build\_network\_plugins

Builder for network plugins


I took inspiration from [Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Author::ETHER](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dist%3A%3AZilla%3A%3APluginBundle%3A%3AAuthor%3A%3AETHER)