[](https://github.com/juliodcs/BigRoot/actions) NAME ==== BigRoot - Class for supporting roots with arbitrary precision. SYNOPSIS ======== use BigRoot; # Can change precision level (Default precision is 30) BigRoot.precision = 50; my $root2 = BigRoot.newton's-sqrt: 2; # 1.41421356237309504880168872420969807856967187537695 say $root2.WHAT; # (FatRat) # Can use other root numbers say BigRoot.newton's-root: root => 3, number => 30; # 3.10723250595385886687766242752238636285490682906742 # Numbers can be Int, Rational and Num: say BigRoot.newton's-sqrt: 2.123; # 1.45705181788431944566113502812562734420538186940001 # Can use other rational roots say BigRoot.newton's-root: root => FatRat.new(2, 3), number => 30; # 164.31676725154983403709093484024064018582340849939498 # Results are rounded: BigRoot.precision = 8; say BigRoot.newton's-sqrt: 2; # 1.41421356 BigRoot.precision = 7; say BigRoot.newton's-sqrt: 2; # 1.4142136 # By default, results are cached for given precision. BigRoot.precision = 150_000; BigRoot.newton's-sqrt: 2; my $start = now; BigRoot.newton's-sqrt: 2; say (now - $start) < 0.1; # (True) # Cache can be disabled with: BigRoot.use-cache = False; DESCRIPTION =========== This module provides a way of having arbitrary precision for roots. In order to do that it calculates the roots using [Newton's method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_method) and uses raku's `FatRat` primitives. The module supports rooting `Int`, `Num`, and `Rational` numbers and allows using a Rational number as the root. Also, the level of precision can be changed. METHODS ======= method precision ---------------- method precision is rw Allows for getting/setting the level of precision. Defaults to 30. To put precision into scale: * [NASA uses 15 decimals for Pi](https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/news/2016/3/16/how-many-decimals-of-pi-do-we-really-need/) * 1/10^30: a millimeter compared to the diameter of the universe * 1/10^35: diameter of a human hair compared to the diameter of the universe * 1/10^42: size of a proton compared to the diameter of the universe * 1/10^62: Planck length compared to the diameter of the universe * 1/10^86: one atom out of all atoms of the universe method newton's-root -------------------- method newton's-root(RootNumber:D :$root, PositiveNumber:D :$number) returns FatRat Calculates the nth-root for the given number method newton's-sqrt -------------------- method newton's-sqrt(PositiveNumber:D $number) Calculates square root for the given number. Same as `newton's-root(root => 2, :$number)` method use-cache ---------------- method use-cache is rw Allows enabling/disabling result cache (cache is enabled by default)