NAME ==== Termbox DESCRIPTION =========== Termbox is "a library for writing text-based user interfaces". This module provides Raku bindings to this library. SYNOPSIS ======== use Termbox :ALL; if tb-init() -> $ret { note "tb-init() failed with error code $ret"; exit 1; } END tb-shutdown; for "Press ESC to exit!".encode.list -> $c { state $x = 5; tb-change-cell( $x++, 5, $c, TB_COLOR_BLACK, TB_COLOR_WHITE ); } tb-present; my $events =; start { while tb-poll-event( my $ev = ) { $events.emit: $ev } } react whenever $events.Supply -> $ev { given $ev.type { when TB_EVENT_KEY { given $ev.key { when TB_KEY_ESC { done } } } } } FUNCTIONS ========= None of the following functions are exported by default. They can be accessed through the `Termbox` package (as in `Termbox::init`) or imported with the `:subs` tag. When imported, they gain the `tb-` prefix (such that `init` becomes `tb-init`, etc). Basic functions --------------- ### init ### shutdown ### width ### height ### clear ### present ### put-cell ### change-cell ### blit ### select-input-mode ### select-output-mode ### peek-event ### poll-event ### utf8-char-length ### utf8-char-to-unicode See also `encode-string` for a higher-level version of this function. ### utf8-unicode-to-char See also `decode-string` for a higher-level version of this function. Additional functions -------------------- The following functions are added as a convenience for the UTF-8 helpers provided by Termbox itself. These are likely much simpler to use in Raku code. ### encode-string Takes a non-empty string and returns an Int representing the number used to encode it by Termbox. On error throws an exception. ### decode-string Takes an Int with the integer representation of a string (such as that returned by `encode-string` and returns it decoded as a Str. On error throws an exception. CONSTANTS ========= Like with the functions described above, none of the following constants are exported by default. They can be accessed through the `Termbox` package (as in `Termbox::WHITE`) or imported with the different tags described below. When imported, they gain the `TB_` prefix (such that `WHITE` becomes `TB_WHITE`, etc). Keys ---- Imported with the `:keys` tag. These are a safe subset of terminfo keys, which exist on all popular terminals. Use only these to stay "truly portable", according to the Termbox documentation. * `KEY_F1` * `KEY_F2` * `KEY_F3` * `KEY_F4` * `KEY_F5` * `KEY_F6` * `KEY_F7` * `KEY_F8` * `KEY_F9` * `KEY_F10` * `KEY_F11` * `KEY_F12` * `KEY_INSERT` * `KEY_DELETE` * `KEY_HOME` * `KEY_END` * `KEY_PGUP` * `KEY_PGDN` * `KEY_ARROW_UP` * `KEY_ARROW_DOWN` * `KEY_ARROW_LEFT` * `KEY_ARROW_RIGHT` * `KEY_MOUSE_LEFT` * `KEY_MOUSE_RIGHT` * `KEY_MOUSE_MIDDLE` * `KEY_MOUSE_RELEASE` * `KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP` * `KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN` The rest are ASCII code points below `SPACE` character and a `BACKSPACE` key. * `KEY_CTRL_TILDE` * `KEY_CTRL_2` * `KEY_CTRL_A` * `KEY_CTRL_B` * `KEY_CTRL_C` * `KEY_CTRL_D` * `KEY_CTRL_E` * `KEY_CTRL_F` * `KEY_CTRL_G` * `KEY_BACKSPACE` * `KEY_CTRL_H` * `KEY_TAB` * `KEY_CTRL_I` * `KEY_CTRL_J` * `KEY_CTRL_K` * `KEY_CTRL_L` * `KEY_ENTER` * `KEY_CTRL_M` * `KEY_CTRL_N` * `KEY_CTRL_O` * `KEY_CTRL_P` * `KEY_CTRL_Q` * `KEY_CTRL_R` * `KEY_CTRL_S` * `KEY_CTRL_T` * `KEY_CTRL_U` * `KEY_CTRL_V` * `KEY_CTRL_W` * `KEY_CTRL_X` * `KEY_CTRL_Y` * `KEY_CTRL_Z` * `KEY_ESC` * `KEY_CTRL_LSQ_BRACKET` * `KEY_CTRL_3` * `KEY_CTRL_4` * `KEY_CTRL_BACKSLASH` * `KEY_CTRL_5` * `KEY_CTRL_RSQ_BRACKET` * `KEY_CTRL_6` * `KEY_CTRL_7` * `KEY_CTRL_SLASH` * `KEY_CTRL_UNDERSCORE` * `KEY_SPACE` * `KEY_BACKSPACE2` * `KEY_CTRL_8` These are modifier constants. `MOD_MOTION` in a mouse event indicates a dragging event. * `MOD_ALT` * `MOD_MOTION` Styles ------ Imported with the `:styles` tag. * `DEFAULT` * `BLACK` * `RED` * `GREEN` * `YELLOW` * `BLUE` * `MAGENTA` * `CYAN` * `WHITE` These are font attributes. It is possible to use multiple attributes by combining them using bitwise OR (`+|`). Although, colors cannot be combined, you can combine attributes and a single color. * `BOLD` * `UNDERLINE` * `REVERSE` Errors ------ Imported with the `:errors` tag. * `EUNSUPPORTED_TERMINAL` * `EFAILED_TO_OPEN_TTY` * `EPIPE_TRAP_ERROR` Events ------ Imported with the `:events` tag. * `EVENT_KEY` * `EVENT_RESIZE` * `EVENT_MOUSE` Modes ----- Imported with the `:modes` tag. * `HIDE_CURSOR` * `INPUT_CURRENT` * `INPUT_ESC` * `INPUT_ALT` * `INPUT_MOUSE` * `OUTPUT_CURRENT` * `OUTPUT_NORMAL` * `OUTPUT_256` * `OUTPUT_216` * `OUTPUT_GRAYSCALE` AUTHOR ====== José Joaquín Atria <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2020 José Joaquín Atria This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.