RDF::Lazy - Lazy typing access to RDF data

      ### How to create a graph

      $g = RDF::Lazy->new(
         rdf        => $data,    # RDF::Trine::Model or ::Store (by reference)
         namespaces => {         # namespace prefix, RDF::NS or RDF::Trine::NamespaceMap
             foaf => '',
             rdf  => "",
             xsd  => "",

      $g = RDF::Lazy->new( $data, format => 'turtle' );  # parse RDF/Turtle
      $g = RDF::Lazy->new( $data, format => 'rdfxml' );  # parse RDF/XML
      $g = RDF::Lazy->new( "" );      # retrieve LOD

      ### How to get nodes

      $p = $g->resource(''); # get node
      $p = $g->uri('<>');    # alternatively
      $p = $g->uri('foaf:Person);                            # same but lazier
      $p = $g->foaf_Person;                                  # same but laziest

      $l = $g->literal('Alice');              # get literal node
      $l = $g->literal('Alice','en');         # get literal node with language
      $l = $g->literal('123','xsd:integer');  # get literal node with datatype

      $b = $g->blank('x123');   # get blank node
      $b = $g->blank;           # get blank node with random id

      ### How to retrieve RDF

      $x->rel('foaf:knows');    # retrieve a person that $x knows
      $x->rev('foaf:knows');    # retrieve a person known by $x

      $x->rels('foaf:knows');   # retrieve all people that $x knows
      $x->revs('foaf:knows');   # retrieve all people known by $x

      $x->foaf_knows;           # short form of $x->rel('foaf:knows')
      $x->foaf_knows_;          # short form of $x->rels('foaf:knows')

      $x->rels;                 # array reference with a list of properties
      $x->revs;                 # same as rels, but other direction

      $x->type;                 # same as $x->rel('rdf:type')
      $x->types;                # same as $x->rels('rdf:type')

      $g->subjects( 'rdf:type', 'foaf:Person' );  # retrieve subjects
      $g->predicates( $subject, $object );        # list predicates
      $g->objects( $subject, 'foaf:knows' );      # list objects

      ### How to add RDF

      $g->add( $rdfdata, format => 'rdfxml' );    # parse and add
      $g->add( $subject, $predicate, $object );   # add single triple

      ### How to show RDF

      $g->turtle;  # dump in RDF/Turtle syntax
      $g->ttlpre;  # dump in RDF/Turtle, wrapped in a HTML <pre> tag
      $g->rdfxml;  # dump in RDF/XML
      $g->rdfjson; # dump in RDF/JSON

    This module wraps RDF::Trine::Node to provide simple node-centric access
    to RDF data. It was designed to access RDF within Template Toolkit but
    the module does not depend on or and can be used independently.
    Basically, an instance of RDF::Lazy contains an unlabeled RDF graph and
    a set of namespace prefixes. For lazy access and graph traversal, each
    RDF node (RDF::Lazy::Node) is tied to the graph.

  cache( [ $cache ] )
    Get and/or set a cache for loading RDF from URIs or URLs. A $cache can
    be any blessed object that supports method "get($uri)" and
    "set($uri,$value)". For instance one can enable a simple file cache with
    CHI like this:

        my $rdf = RDF::Lazy->new(
            cache => CHI->new(
                driver => 'File', root_dir => '/tmp/cache',
                expires_in => '1 day'

    By default, RDF is stored in Turtle syntax for easy inspection.

  load( $uri )
    Load RDF from an URI or URL. RDF data is optionally retrieved from a
    cache. Returns the number of triples that have been added (which could
    be zero if all loaded triples are duplicates).

  new ( [ [ rdf => ] $rdf ] [, namespaces => $namespaces ] [ %options ])
    Return new RDF graph. Namespaces can be provided as hash reference or as
    RDF::Trine::NamespaceMap or RDF::NS. By default, the current local
    version of RDF::NS is used. RDF data can be <RDF:Trine::Model> or
    RDF::Trine::Store, which are used by reference, or many other forms, as
    supported by add.

  resource ( $uri )
    Return RDF::Lazy::Resource node. The following statements are


  literal ( $string , $language_or_datatype, $datatype )
    Return RDF::Lazy::Literal node.

  blank ( [ $identifier ] )
    Return RDF::Lazy::Blank node. A random identifier is generated unless
    you provide an identifier as parameter.

  uri ( $name | $node )
    Returns a node that is connected to the graph. Note that every valid RDF
    node is part of any RDF graph: this method does not check whether the
    graph actually contains a triple with the given node. You can either
    pass a name or an instance of RDF::Trine::Node. This method is also
    called for any undefined method, so the following statements are


  rel / rels / rev / revs
    Can be used to traverse the graph. See RDF::Lazy::Node:

        $node->rel( ... )           # where $node is located in $graph
        $graph->rel( $node, ... )   # equivalent

    Add RDF data. *Sorry, not documented yet!*

  ttl ( [ $node ] )
    Returns a RDF/Turtle representation of a node's bounded description.

  ttlpre ( [ $node ] )
    Returns an HTML escaped RDF/Turtle representation of a node's bounded
    description, wrapped in a HTML "<pre class="turtle">" element.

  ns ( $prefix | $namespace | $prefix => $namespace )
    Gets or sets a namespace mapping for the entire graph. By default,
    RDF::Lazy makes use of popular namespaces defined in RDF::NS.

       $g->ns('dc');   # returns ''
       $g->ns('');  # returns 'dc'
       $g->ns( dc => '' );       # modify mapping

    RDF::Helper and RDF::TrineShortcuts provide similar APIs. Another
    similar framework for PHP and Python is Graphite:,

    Jakob Voß <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jakob Voß.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.