use LWP::UserAgent::Patch::LogRequestContent;
     # now all your LWP HTTP request content are logged

    Sample script and output:

     % TRACE=1 perl -MLog::ger::Output=Screen
       -MNet::HTTP::Methods::Patch::LogRequest \
       -MLWP::UserAgent::Patch::LogRequestContent \
       -MLWP::UserAgent \
       -e'$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
          $ua->post("http://localhost:5000/", {a=>1, b=>2});'
     [cat LWP.UserAgent.Patch.LogRequestContent]HTTP request body (len=7):
     [cat Net.HTTP.Methods.Patch.LogRequest]HTTP request (proto=http, len=186):
     POST / HTTP/1.1
     TE: deflate,gzip;q=0.3
     Connection: TE, close
     Host: localhost:5000
     User-Agent: libwww-perl/6.04
     Content-Length: 7
     Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    Or you can also use via Log::ger::For::LWP.


    This module patches LWP::UserAgent (which is used by LWP::Simple,
    WWW::Mechanize, among others) so that HTTP request contents are logged
    using Log::ger.


 Why not subclass?

    By patching, you do not need to replace all the client code which uses
    LWP (or WWW::Mechanize, etc).

 Why is the request content logged before request headers (when using with

    Yup, it's ugly. I'm working on that.


    Use Net::HTTP::Methods::Patch::LogRequest to log raw HTTP request
    headers being sent to servers.

    Use LWP::UserAgent::Patch::LogResponse to log HTTP responses.

    Log::ger::For::LWP bundles all three mentioned patches in a single
    convenient package.