NAME Import::These - Terse, Prefixed and Multiple Imports with a Single Statement SYNOPSIS Any item ending with :: is a prefix. Any later items in the list will use the prefix to create the full package name: #Instead of this: # use Plack::Middleware::Session; use Plack::Middleware::Static; use Plack::Middleware::Lint; use IO::Compress::Gzip; use IO::Compress::Gunzip; use IO::Compress::Deflate; use IO::Compress::Inflate; # Do this use Import::These qw< Plack::Middleware:: Session Static Lint IO::Compress:: Gzip GunZip Defalte Inflate >; Any item exactly equal to :: clears the prefix: use Import::These "Prefix::", "Mod", "::", "Prefix::Another"; # Prefix::Mod # Prefix::Another; A item beginning with :: and ending with :: appends the item to the prefix: use Import::These "Plack::", "Test", "::Middleware::", "Lint"; # Plack::Test, # Plack::Middleware::Lint; Supports default, named/tagged, and no import: # Instead of this: # # use File::Spec::Functions; # use File::Spec::Functions "catfile"; # use File::Spec::Functions (); # Do This: # use Import::These "File::Spec::", Functions, Functions=>["catfile"], Functions=>[] Supports Perl Version as first argument to list use Import::These qw<v5.36 Plack:: Test ::Middleware:: Lint>; # use v5.36; # Plack::Test, # Plack::Middleware::Lint; Supports Module Version use Import::These qw<File::Spec:: Functions 1.3>; # use File::Spec::Functions 1.3; # use Import::These qw<File::Spec:: Functions 1.3>, ["catfile"]; # use File::Spec::Functions 1.3 "catfile"; DESCRIPTION A tiny module for importing multiple modules in one statement utilising a prefix. The prefix can be set, cleared, or appended multiple times in a list, making long lists of imports much easier to type! It works with any package providing a "import" subroutine (i.e. compatible with Exporter. It also is compatible with recursive exporters such as Export::These manipulating the export levels. USAGE When using this pragma, the list of arguments are interpreted as either a Perl version, prefix mutation, module name, module version or array ref of symbols to import. The current value of the prefix is applied to module names as they appear in the list. The prefix always starts out as an empty string. The first item in the list is optionally a Perl version Module version optionally comes after a module name (prefixed or not) Symbols list optionally comes after a module name or module version if used The prefix can be set/cleared/appended as many times as needed Prefix Manipulation The current prefix is used for all module names as they occur. However, changes to the prefix can be interleaved within module names. Set the Prefix Name:: # Prefix equals "Name::" Any item in the list ending in "::" with result in the prefix being set to item (including the ::) Append The Prefix ::Name:: # Prefix equals "OLDPREFIX::Name::" Any item in the list starting and ending with "::" will result in the prefix having the item appended to it. The item has the leading "::" removed before appending. Clear the Prefix :: #Prefix is "" Any item in the list equal to "::" exactly will clear the prefix to an empty string EXAMPLES The following examples make it easier to see the benefits of using this module: Simple Prefix A single prefix used for multiple packages: use Import::These qw<IO::Compress:: Gzip GunZip Defalte Inflate >; # Equivalent to: # use IO::Compress::Gzip # use IO::Compress::GunZip # use IO::Compress::Deflate # use IO::Compress::Inflate Appending Prefix Prefix is appended along the way: use Import::These qw<IO:: File ::Compress:: Gzip GunZip Defalte Inflate >; # Equivalent to: # use IO::File # use IO::Compress::Gzip # use IO::Compress::GunZip # use IO::Compress::Deflate # use IO::Compress::Inflate Reset Prefix Completely change (reset) prefix to something else: use Import::These qw<File::Spec Functions :: Compress:: Gzip GunZip Defalte Inflate >; # Equivalent to: # use File::Spec::Functions # use IO::Compress::Gzip # use IO::Compress::GunZip # use IO::Compress::Deflate # use IO::Compress::Inflate No Default Import use Import::These "File::Spec::", "Functions"=>[]; # Equivalent to: # use File::Spec::Functions (); Import Names/groups use Import::These "File::Spec::", "Functions"=>["catfile"]; # Equivalent to: # use File::Spec::Functions ("catfile"); With Perl Version use Import::These "v5.36", "File::Spec::", "Functions"; # Equivalent to: # use v5.36; # use File::Spec::Functions; With Module Version use Import::These "File::Spec::", "Functions", "v1.2"; # Equivalent to: # use File::Spec::Functions v1.2; All Together Now use Import::These qw<v5.36 File:: IO ::Spec:: Functions v1.2>, ["catfile"], qw<:: IO::Compress:: Gzip GunZip Deflate Inflate>; # Equivalent to: # use v5.36; # use File::IO; # use File::Spec::Functions v1.2 "catfile" # use IO::Compress::Gzip; # use IO::Compress::GunZip; # use IO::Compress::Deflate; # use IO::Compress::Inflate; COMPARISON TO OTHER MODULES Import::Base Performs can perform multiple imports, however requires a custom package to group the imports and reexport them. Does not support prefixes. use is very similar however does not support prefixes. import works by loading ALL packages under a common prefix. Whether you need them or not. That could be a lot of disk access and memory usage. modules has automatic module installation using CPAN. However no prefix support and uses a lot of RAM for basic importing Importer has some nice features but not a 'simple' package prefix. It also looks like it only handles a single package per invocation REPOSITOTY and BUGS Please report and feature requests or bugs via the github repo: <> AUTHOR Ruben Westerberg, <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2023 by Ruben Westerberg Licensed under MIT DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.