README for Hook::Queue 1.21 =head1 NAME Hook::Queue - define a queue of handlers =head1 SYNOPSIS # define a Liar class which always claims to be what you're asking # about package Liar; use Hook::Queue 'UNIVERSAL::isa' => sub { my $what = shift; my $class = shift; return 1 if (ref $what || $what) eq "Liar"; # it's not my call, pass it down the chain return Hook::Queue->defer; }; =head1 DEPENDENCIES This module has external dependencies on the following modules: perl 5.006 =head1 INSTALLATION perl Build.PL perl Build test and if all goes well perl Build install =head1 HISTORY What changed over the last 3 revisions =over =item 1.21 Friday 30th April, 2004 Initial CPAN release =back =head1 AUTHOR Richard Clamp <> Copyright Richard Clamp 2004. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<SUPER>, L<NEXT> - for similar idioms for OO programming