# NAME Vector::QRCode::EPS - A generator class for vector data of QRCode # SYNOPSIS use Vector::QRCode::EPS; my $ps = Vector::QRCode::EPS->generate( text => 'Hello, world!', colour => [255, 0, 0], bgcolour => [150, 150, 150], transparent => 0, size => 6, unit => 'cm', qrcode_options => { version => 5, level => 'H', }, ); $ps->output('qrcode.ps'); # DESCRIPTION Vector::QRCode::EPS is a generator that returns a QRCode data as [PostScript::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/PostScript::Simple) object. # REQUIREMENT You have to install [libqrencode](https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode) into your host before installing this module. # METHODS ## generate Returns a [PostScript::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/PostScript::Simple) object that contains a vector data of QRCode. $ps_obj = Vector::QRCode::EPS->generate(%options); Options are followings. - text Required. Text that will be implemented into QRCode. - size Optional. Multiple of unit. Default is 10. - unit Optional. Unit from 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'pt', and 'bp'. Default is 'cm'. Please see more datail for [CONSTRUCTOR Paragraph of the PostScript::Simple documentation](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?PostScript::Simple#CONSTRUCTOR). - colour Optional. RGB colour specification in arrayref. Default is \[10, 10, 10\]. - bgcolour Optional. RGP colour specification for background color in arrayref. Default is \[255, 255, 255\]. - transparent Optional. Transparent background when true value is specified. Default is undef. - qrcode\_options Optional. Options as [Text::QRCode](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::QRCode). Default is undef. # LICENSE Copyright (C) ytnobody. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR ytnobody <ytnobody@gmail.com> # SEE ALSO [libqrencode](https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode) [PostScript::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/PostScript::Simple) [Text::QRCode](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::QRCode)