
Perl Interface to MICO (Mico Is COrba) version 0.2


Basic client and server functionality is currently working.
Quite a few things are left to be done. A few of them are:

 - Constants
 - Shared library activation mode

None of these are particularly hard to do given what works
now - they just haven't been done yet.


General information about a mapping of CORBA onto Perl is in
the available in the file 'MICO/mapping.pod' while specifics
about MICO are in ''. Information about the internals
of the module is in 'MICO/internals.pod' These POD documents
can be viewed on the screen using the 'perldoc' program:

  perldoc MICO/mapping.pod

or converted to a variety of formats, for example:

  pod2html MICO/mapping.pod > MICO/mapping.html

They will also be installed as manual pages.

The file MICO/ is a diagram that may be useful
for figuring out MICO/internals.pod.


To compile and run this package, you'll need to have MICO v2.0.6
or better installed. Information about MICO is availaible from:

You'll also need Graham Barr's Error module - available
from CPAN in the directory:

And a reasonable recent version of Perl. (This is only been
tested with perl-5.004_58-64, but it should work with the
stable perl-5.004_04 as well, and probably even earlier versions).

For the demo programs you'll also need the Data::Dumper
module from CPAN:

Once you have MICO installed, to build this package, first
edit Makefile.PL, if necessary. The only thing that will
probably need to be changed is the line:

    'LIBS'	=> ['-lmico2.0.6 -lstdc++'],   

Change -lmico2.0.6 to reflect whatever version you have 
installed. (This problem wouldn't occur if MICO set
up the correct symbolic links when installed)

Then simply type:

  perl Makefile.PL

The package then can be installed by executing the command:

  make install

Trying it Out

To start the interface repository, load in the Account.idl
interface file, and create an appropriate .micorc, run
the script


Run the Perl server program in the background:

  perl -Mblib server &

And then run the client program:

  perl -Mblib client

You should see output that looks something like:

Balance is +250.00
Favorite color is taupe
Lottery numbers are 21 63 83 96
Nickname is Dopey
 ;      ; 
 [ O  O ] 
 l   \  l 
  ; -- ;  
Favorite color is now chartreuse
As an any: favorite color is now chartreuse
As an any: nickname is now Grumpy
2 * 1,000,000,000,0000 pennies = 20000000000000 pennies
Withdrawing $100,000
Oops. I don't have that much money
    (I need +99750.00 more)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Caught Exception: CORBA::OBJECT_NOT_EXIST ('')
   Non-existent object, delete reference, while counting with a destroyed counter
Successful completion

Trying the GTK Demo

To use this demo you must have GTK installed on your system
and the Kenneth Albanowski's Gtk module for perl (version 0.1.16 or
later). Both are available from

Then, start up the servers with 


and run two copies of the 'tictactoe' program

 perl -Mblib tictactoe &
 perl -Mblib tictactoe &

Trying the micod example

Warning: I had major problems trying to get this to work using
egcs-1.0.2 and mico-2.0.5. The micod daemon core-dumped
until I recompiled it as static. This seems to have gone away
with mico-2.0.6.

  perl -Mblib client-activate

The client will automatically start up the server (as registered
in ''). Halfway through the server process,
it writes its state to disk and exits. Then is automatically
restarted, and restored from disk by micod.

Balance is +250.00
Favorite color is taupe
Lottery numbers are 21 63 83 96
Nickname is Dopey
Closing server...
Trying to reactivate...
Favorite color is now chartreuse
As an any: favorite color is now chartreuse
As an any: nickname is now Grumpy
Withdrawing $100,000
Oops. I don't have that much money
    (I need +99750.00 more)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Successful completion



This work is Copyright Owen Taylor, 1998, and licensed
under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL)
See the included file LICENSE-LGPL for details.