Blog::Simple::HTMLOnly - Very simple blogger using Core modules.

            my $sbO = Blog::Simple::HTMLOnly->new();
            $sbO->create_index(); #generally only needs to be called once

            my $content="<p>blah blah blah in XHTM</p><p><b>Better</b> when done in
            my $title  = 'some title';
            my $author = 'a.n. author';
            my $email  = '';
            my $smmry  = 'blah blah';

            my $format = {
                    simple_blog_wrap => '<table width='100%'><tr><td>',
                    simple_blog => '<div class="box">',
                    title       => '<div class="title"><b>',
                    author      => '<div class="author">',
                    email       => '<div class="email">',
                    ts          => '<div class="ts">',
                    summary     => '<div class="summary">',
                    content     => '<div class="content">',

    Please see the *.cgi files included in the tar distribution for examples
    of simple use.



    This is a backwards-compatible modification of "Blog::Simple" by JA
    Robson <>, indentical in all but the need for
    "XML::XSLT" and Perl 6.1. It also includes an additional method to
    render a specific blog.

    Instead of "XML::XSLT", this module uses "HTML::TokeParser", of the core
    distribution. Naturally formatting is rather restricted, but it can
    produce some useful results if you know your way around CSS
    (<|>), and is better than a poke
    in the eye with a sharp stick.

    Please read the documentation for Blog::Simple before continuing, but
    ignore the documentation for the rendering methods.

    The rendering methods "render_current" and "render_all" no longer take a
    paramter of an XSLT file, but instead a reference to a hash, the keys of
    which are the names of the nodes in a "Blog::Simple" XML file, values
    being HTML to wrap around the named node.

    Only the opening tags need be supplied: the correct end-tags will
    supplied in lower-case.

    For an example, please see the SYNOPSIS.

ADDITIONAL METHOD: render_this_blog
    Renders to "STDOUT" the nominated blogged.

    In addition to the method's object reference, accepts a date and an
    author, and a format hash (see above). The date should be in a
    "localtime" output with spaces turned to underscores ("_").

    On success, returns a reference to the Blog in HTML. On failure returns
    "undef", sending a warning to "STDERR" if you have "warnings" on ("-w").

    The only other things I've changed are:

    *   All files "flock" if not running on Win32 (cygwin is ignored as I
        don't know if it needs it; presumably it does, though).

    *   The render routines return a reference to a scalar, which is the
        formatted HTML.

        -item *

        "for" loops simplified.

    See Blog::Simple, HTML::TokeParser.

    Lee Goddard (lgoddard -at- cpan -dot- org), Most of the work already
    done by J. A. Robson, <>

    This module: Copyright (C) Lee Goddard, 2003, and J. A. Robson. All
    Rights Reserved. Made available under the same terms as Perl itself.