Vim::Complete - Generate auto completion information for vim

    version 1.100880

        my (@dirs, $verbose, $min_length);
        my $filename = '...';
            dirs       => \@dirs,
            verbose    => $verbose,
            min_length => $min_length,

    Vim has a good auto completion mechanism. In insert mode, you can type
    Control-n to complete on the current string; you can cycle through the
    possible completions by repeatedly typing Control-n. See ":help
    complete" in vim for more information.

    By default, vim completes on identifiers it finds in the current buffer,
    buffers in other windows, other loaded buffers, unloaded buffers, tags
    and included files. That means you still have to type the identifier
    once so vim knows about it.

    However, you can extend the way vim completes. It can take additional
    identifiers from a file. So Vim::Complete takes a list of directories -
    usually @INC -, looks at the modules contained therein, parses package
    names, variable names and subroutine names and writes them to a file.

    Now you need to tell vim where to find the file with the Perl
    identifiers. Put this line into your ".vimrc":

        set complete+=k~/.vimcomplete

    The "+=k" tells vim to also look into the specified file.

    For this to work well, you need to tell vim that colons are part of
    identifiers in Perl (for example, "Foo::Bar" is an identifier. Put this
    line in your ".vimrc":

        set iskeyword+=:

    Included in this distribution is the program "mk_vim_complete", which is
    a command-line frontend to Vim::Complete.

    You can tell Vim::Complete to only use identifiers that are of a certain
    minimum length. An identifier that is only one character long (such as
    $x) doesn't need to be completed. If you would include two-character
    identifiers, you might throw off the auto completion by having to cycle
    through too many identifiers. So the default minimum length is 3.

    Assumes that "dir()", and optionally "verbose()" and "min_length()",
    have been set and starts to look in the directories for files ending in
    ".pm". For each file it gathers information using "gather()".

    Returns the Vim::Complete object so method calls can be chained as seen
    in the "SYNOPSIS".

    Takes all the gathered findings and returns the list of identifiers.
    Returns an array in list context, or a reference to the array in scalar

    Takes as argument a filename. Writes the report generated by "report()"
    to the file.

    Takes a filename of a module, parses the source code and makes a note of
    the package names, subroutine names and variable names it sees.

    This method is called by "parse()"; it is unlikely that you want to call
    it yourself.

    The minimum length a package name, variable name or subroutine has to
    have for a tag to be made. Defaults to 3.

    A basic getter/setter method. If called without an argument, it returns
    the value. If called with a single argument, it sets the value.


      my $value = $obj->min_length;


    There are also the following helper methods for this accessor:

        Clears the value.



    A list of directories to be searched.

    Get or set the array values. If called without arguments, it returns the
    array in list context, or a reference to the array in scalar context. If
    called with arguments, it expands array references found therein and
    sets the values.


      my @values    = $obj->dirs;

      my $array_ref = $obj->dirs;



    There are also the following helper methods for this accessor:

        Pushes elements onto the end of the array.



        Pops the last element off the array, returning it.


          my $value = $obj->pop_dirs;

        Unshifts elements onto the beginning of the array.



        Shifts the first element off the array, returning it.


          my $value = $obj->shift_dirs;

        Deletes all elements from the array.



        Returns the number of elements in the array.


          my $count = $obj->count_dirs;

        Takes three arguments: An offset, a length and a list.

        Removes the elements designated by the offset and the length from
        the array, and replaces them with the elements of the list, if any.
        In list context, returns the elements removed from the array. In
        scalar context, returns the last element removed, or "undef" if no
        elements are removed. The array grows or shrinks as necessary. If
        the offset is negative then it starts that far from the end of the
        array. If the length is omitted, removes everything from the offset
        onward. If the length is negative, removes the elements from the
        offset onward except for -length elements at the end of the array.
        If both the offset and the length are omitted, removes everything.
        If the offset is past the end of the array, it issues a warning, and
        splices at the end of the array.


          $obj->splice_dirs(2, 1, $x, $y);


          $obj->splice_dirs(0, -1);

        Takes a list of indices and returns the elements indicated by those
        indices. If only one index is given, the corresponding array element
        is returned. If several indices are given, the result is returned as
        an array in list context or as an array reference in scalar context.


          my $element   = $obj->index_dirs(3);

          my @elements  = $obj->index_dirs(@indices);

          my $array_ref = $obj->index_dirs(@indices);

        Takes a list of index/value pairs and for each pair it sets the
        array element at the indicated index to the indicated value. Returns
        the number of elements that have been set.


          $obj->set_dirs(1 => $x, 5 => $y);

    A flag that indicates whether verbose diagnostics should be sent to

    If called without an argument, returns the boolean value (0 or 1). If
    called with an argument, it normalizes it to the boolean value. That is,
    the values 0, undef and the empty string become 0; everything else
    becomes 1.



      my $value = $obj->verbose;

    There are also the following helper methods for this accessor:

        Sets the boolean value to 1.



        Clears the boolean value by setting it to 0.



    See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl

    No bugs have been reported.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at

    The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive
    Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit <> to find a
    CPAN site near you, or see <>.

    The development version lives at
    <>. Instead of sending patches,
    please fork this project using the standard git and github

      Marcel Gruenauer <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2007 by Marcel Gruenauer.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.