rubyisms - Steal some features from Ruby

      package Foo;
      use rubyisms;
      sub initialize {             # We inherit a new from class Class
        self->{foo} = "bar";       # And we have a receiver, self

     sub __private_stuff { 
        self->{things} = [ @_ ];   # self is still around
     sub my_method {
        if ($interesting) { ... }
        else { super }             # Despatch to superclass 
     sub array_iterator (&@) {
        yield() for @_;

     array_iterator { print $_[0], "\n" } ("Hello", "World");

    If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. This module exports some functionality
    to make Perl behave more like Ruby.

    Additionally, all classes which `use rubyisms' inherit from class
    `Class', and take a basic `new' method from there. (which creates a
    blessed hash, calls your `initialize' method on it and returns it.)


       This returns the current receiver of methods. This is defined as
       being the first thing which is-a your class which comes first in some
       method's `@_'. For instance, in the following case:

           sub stuff { 
               my ($self, @args) = @_;
               print self;

       `$self' and `self' are equivalent here. However, in this case:

           sub stuff {
               my ($self, @args) = @_;

           sub _more_stuff { print self }

       The `self' in `_more_stuff' is equivalent to `$self' in its caller:
       we walk up the stack until we find something that looks like an
       object we're interested in. If we don't find an object we're
       interested in, we assume that `self' is the current classs.

       Obviously you need to be careful with this! Note that `stuff' expects
       to be called in the usual method call manner, with the object as the
       first parameter; meanwhile, `_more_stuff' expects the receiver to be
       implicit. Be good and consistent and only use implicit recipients in
       private methods called from within your class and you'll be all


       When subclassing a class, you occasionally want to despatch control
       to the superclass - at least conditionally and temporarily. The Perl
       syntax for calling your superclass is ugly and unwieldy:


       Especially when compared with its Ruby equivalent:


       This module provides that equivalent.

       It has been pointed out that using `super' doesn't let you pass
       alternate arguments to your superclass's method. If you want to pass
       different arguments, well, don't use `super' then. D'oh.


       `yield' provides iterators in Ruby, and now it does so in Perl too.
       However, in Ruby, methods all take an optional block after their
       usual arguments. In Perl, we have to fake it. The `&' subroutine
       prototype character allows us to take a block and have it passs in as
       a coderef, but only if it's the first parameter to a subroutine. For
       instance, here's how you'd normally code an iterator:

           sub each_array (&@) {
               my ($coderef, @args) = @_;
               for (@args) {

           each_array { print $_[0], "\n" } (10,20,30);

       `yield' just makes that a tiny bit easier, by working out which is
       the coderef and calling it with the right thing:

           sub each_array (&@) {
               yield for @_;

       `yield' will call the coderef with `$_' implicitly, or any arguments
       you give it:

           sub each_with_index (&@) {
               yield ($_[$_], $_) for 0..$#_;

           each_with_index { print "The $_[1]th element is $_[0]\n" } @stuff;

       Note that this doesn't actually modify `@_': the coderef is still
       `$_[0]', but `yield' attempts to avoid yielding onto itself. That is
       to say, `yield' does nothing when the first argument passed is the
       same as the coderef itself.

       If you actually do want to call the coderef on itself, i) you're
       weirder than I am, and ii) call it as something other than the first

           yield ("dummy", $_) for @_;

       will happily pass the coderef in.

       The module tries to do the right thing in all cases, and it does do
       the right thing in the vast majority of cases. But like all
       labour-saving devices, you give up a little bit of control to gain a
       bit of convenience. So maybe it'll do the wrong thing in pathological
       cases. Consider it karmic retribution.

       Beep... beep... this is a recorded announcement:

       I've released this software because I find it useful, and I hope you
       might too. But I am a being of finite time and I'd like to spend more
       of it writing cool modules like this and less of it answering email,
       so please excuse me if the support isn't as great as you'd like.

       Nevertheless, there is a general discussion list for users of all my
       modules, to be found at

       If you have a problem with this module, someone there will probably
       have it too.

       Simon Cozens, `'
