Textile Plugin for the Template Toolkit

                            Version 1.00

                           12th June 2003

         Copyright (C) 2003 Profero.  All Rights Reserved

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
           modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Hmm, most people will never read this as they'll download with
CPANPLUS or CPAN.  Here's hoping they click on it from a link from

STOP: Do you want the main documentation by typing
      "perldoc Template::Plugin::Textile" ?


This is a plugin for Textile for the Template Toolkit.

It allows you to do things like this:

  [% USE Textile -%]
  [% FILTER textile %]this is _like_ *so* *cool*[% END %]

And get back things like this:

  <p>this is <em>like</em> <strong>so* *cool</strong></p>


Just like any other Perl module:

  tar zxf Template-Plugin-Textile-X.XX.tar.gz
  cd Template-Plugin-Textile-X.XX
  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install      (as root, or with sudo, etc)

Or, if you're using the new Module::Build install method:

  tar zxf Template-Plugin-Textile-X.XX.tar.gz
  cd Template-Plugin-Textile-X.XX
  perl Build.PL
  ./Build test
  ./Build install   (as root, or with sudo, etc)

This requires

 * The Template Toolkit version 2.06 or later
 * Text::Textile 0.5 or later


This code is provided as is, and is offered with no guarantee.

This having been said, you may request our voluntary support in one of
two ways:

  1) Use the CPAN RT:

  2) Mail the Profero open source development team directly:

Problems with the underlying Text::Textile module probably should be
addressed to Tom Insam E<lt>tom@jerakeen.orgE<gt>.   


The thin wrapper code (all ten lines of it) was written by Mark Fowler

The B<Text::Textile> module that does all the work was written by Tom
Insam E<lt>tom@jerakeen.orgE<gt>, and in his own words 'All the clever
things in Text::Textile were written by Brad Choate


Copyright (C) 2003 Profero.  All Rights Reserved.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.