POE::Component::Client::SOCKS - SOCKS enable any POE Component

    Spawning a SOCKS broker:

       use strict;
       use POE qw(Component::Client::SOCKS Wheel::ReadWrite Filter::Line);
       use Data::Dumper;
       my $poco = POE::Component::Client::SOCKS->spawn( options => { trace => 0 } );
            package_states => [
              'main' => [ qw(_start _success _failed _conn_input _conn_error) ],
            heap => { sockify => $poco },
            options => { trace => 0 },
       exit 0;
       sub _start {
         my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
            SocksProxy => '',
            RemoteAddress => '',
            RemotePort => 6667,
            SuccessEvent => '_success',
            FailureEvent => '_failed',
       sub _success {
         my ($heap,$args) = @_[HEAP,ARG0];
         warn Dumper( $args );
         $heap->{wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
            Handle => $args->{socket},
            Filter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
            InputEvent => '_conn_input',
            ErrorEvent => '_conn_error',
       sub _failed {
         warn Dumper( $_[ARG0] );
       sub _conn_input {
         warn $_[ARG0], "\n";
       sub _conn_error {
         delete $_[HEAP]->{wheel};

    A one shot CONNECT request:

       use strict;
       use POE qw(Component::Client::SOCKS Wheel::ReadWrite Filter::Line);
       use Data::Dumper;
            package_states => [
              'main' => [ qw(_start _success _failed _conn_input _conn_error) ],
       exit 0;
       sub _start {
         my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
            SocksProxy => '',
            RemoteAddress => '',
            RemotePort => 6667,
            SuccessEvent => '_success',
            FailureEvent => '_failed',
       sub _success {
         my ($heap,$args) = @_[HEAP,ARG0];
         warn Dumper( $args );
         $heap->{wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new(
            Handle => $args->{socket},
            Filter => POE::Filter::Line->new(),
            InputEvent => '_conn_input',
            ErrorEvent => '_conn_error',
       sub _failed {
         warn Dumper( $_[ARG0] );
       sub _conn_input {
         warn $_[ARG0], "\n";
       sub _conn_error {
         delete $_[HEAP]->{wheel};

    POE::Component::Client::SOCKS provides SOCKSification services to other
    POE sessions and components. It accepts connection requests and deals
    with all the SOCKS negotiation on your behalf. It returns either a
    SuccessEvent which will have a shiny socket handle for you to use or an
    FailureEvent which should say what went wrong.

    SOCKS 4 and 4a based servers are supported.

    One may start POE::Component::Client::SOCKS in two ways. If you spawn it
    creates a session that can then broker lots of SOCKS connections on your
    behalf. Or you may use 'connect' and 'bind' to broker one connection

      POE::Component::Client::SOCKS->spawn( ... );

      POE::Component::Client::SOCKS->connect( ... );

      POE::Component::Client::SOCKS->bind( ... );

        Creates a new POE::Component::Client::SOCKS session that may be used
        lots of times. Takes the following optional parameters:

          'alias', set an alias that you can use to address the component later;
          'options', a hashref of POE session options;

        Returns an object.

        Creates a one-shot POE::Component::Client::SOCKS session that will
        connect to a SOCKS server and negotiate a CONNECT. Takes the
        following parameters ( mandatory ones are indicated ):

          'SocksProxy', the SOCKS server that you want to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemoteAddress', the address that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemotePort', the port that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'SuccessEvent', the event that will be sent when a CONNECT is successful (Mandatory);
          'FailureEvent', the event to send when a CONNECT is not successful or errored (Mandatory);
          'SocksPort', the SOCKS server port to connect to (default is 1080);

        Takes any number of arbitary parameters that will passed through to
        the SuccessEvent/FailureEvent. Please use underscore prefixes to
        avoid future API changes.

        Creates a one-shot POE::Component::Client::SOCKS session that will
        connect to a SOCKS server and negotiate a BIND. Takes the following
        parameters ( mandatory ones are indicated ):

          'SocksProxy', the SOCKS server that you want to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemoteAddress', the address that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemotePort', the port that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'SuccessEvent', the event that will be sent when a BIND is successful (Mandatory);
          'FailureEvent', the event to send when a BIND is not successful or errored (Mandatory);
          'SocksPort', the SOCKS server port to connect to (default is 1080);

        Takes any number of arbitary parameters that will passed through to
        the SuccessEvent/FailureEvent. Please use underscore prefixes to
        avoid future API changes.

        Connect to a SOCKS server and negotiate a CONNECT. Takes the
        following parameters ( mandatory ones are indicated ):

          'SocksProxy', the SOCKS server that you want to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemoteAddress', the address that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemotePort', the port that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'SuccessEvent', the event that will be sent when a CONNECT is successful (Mandatory);
          'FailureEvent', the event to send when a CONNECT is not successful or errored (Mandatory);
          'SocksPort', the SOCKS server port to connect to (default is 1080);

        Takes any number of arbitary parameters that will passed through to
        the SuccessEvent/FailureEvent. Please use underscore prefixes to
        avoid future API changes.

        Connect to a SOCKS server and negotiate a BIND. Takes the following
        parameters ( mandatory ones are indicated ):

          'SocksProxy', the SOCKS server that you want to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemoteAddress', the address that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemotePort', the port that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'SuccessEvent', the event that will be sent when a BIND is successful (Mandatory);
          'FailureEvent', the event to send when a BIND is not successful or errored (Mandatory);
          'SocksPort', the SOCKS server port to connect to (default is 1080);

        Takes any number of arbitary parameters that will passed through to
        the SuccessEvent/FailureEvent. Please use underscore prefixes to
        avoid future API changes.

        Terminates the component. Disconnects any pending SOCKS requests.


        Connect to a SOCKS server and negotiate a CONNECT. Takes the
        following parameters ( mandatory ones are indicated ):

          'SocksProxy', the SOCKS server that you want to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemoteAddress', the address that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemotePort', the port that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'SuccessEvent', the event that will be sent when a CONNECT is successful (Mandatory);
          'FailureEvent', the event to send when a CONNECT is not successful or errored (Mandatory);
          'SocksPort', the SOCKS server port to connect to (default is 1080);

        Takes any number of arbitary parameters that will passed through to
        the SuccessEvent/FailureEvent. Please use underscore prefixes to
        avoid future API changes.

        Connect to a SOCKS server and negotiate a BIND. Takes the following
        parameters ( mandatory ones are indicated ):

          'SocksProxy', the SOCKS server that you want to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemoteAddress', the address that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'RemotePort', the port that you want the SOCKS proxy to connect to (Mandatory);
          'SuccessEvent', the event that will be sent when a BIND is successful (Mandatory);
          'FailureEvent', the event to send when a BIND is not successful or errored (Mandatory);
          'SocksPort', the SOCKS server port to connect to (default is 1080);

        Takes any number of arbitary parameters that will passed through to
        the SuccessEvent/FailureEvent. Please use underscore prefixes to
        avoid future API changes.

        Terminates the component. Disconnects any pending SOCKS requests.

    The component returns either a SuccessEvent or an FailureEvent, you
    specify the events in your session that you wish to be triggered for
    each type. ARG0 will be a hashref. See details following.

    Any arbitary parameters passed though will be in the returned hashref.

        All the parameters passed to 'connect' or 'bind' will be present,

          'socket', the socket handle of the connection to the SOCKS server;
          'socks_response', an arrayref consisting of the reply from the SOCKS server:
                            the result code, the dest IP and the dest port.

        For a BIND, the dest IP and the dest port are the address and port
        that the SOCKS server has opened for listening.

        Generated if something went wrong, either a connection could not be
        established with the SOCKS server or the SOCKS server rejected our

        If a connection to the SOCKS server could not be established then
        the following will exist:

          'sockerr', an arrayref containing the operation, errnum and errstr as returned by 

        If the SOCKS server rejected our request for some reason the
        following will exist:

          'socks_unknown', a string error message. This is generated if we get a garbled response
                           from the SOCKS server;
          'socks_error', an integer response from the SOCKS server, indicating that it has rejected the

    Chris "BinGOs" Williams <>

    Copyright � Chris Williams.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.


