package MooseX::Role::Nameable; =head1 NAME MooseX::Role::Nameable - automatic class short names =cut use strict; use warnings; use MooseX::Role::Parameterized; =head1 VERSION Version 1.01 =cut our $VERSION = '1.01'; =head1 SYNOPSIS This role provides a method to automatically generate a short name for a Moose class from the package name. This is especially useful for classes that are used in conjunction with the factory pattern. When this role is included, the name for the access function is required. In addition, a regex may be defined to modify how the value is extracted. By default, the last namespace in the package is used. The short name assumes the package is in camel-case and normalizes it following some simple rules: - convert to lower case - words are separated by underscores - acronyms are treated as a single word Example usage: package Foo::Base; use Moose; with 'MooseX::Role::Nameable' => {name => 'type'}, 'MooseX::Role::Nameable' => {name => 'nationality', regex => qr{::([^:]+)Child$}}; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; package Foo::AmericanChild; use Moose; extends 'Foo::Base'; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; package Foo::BritishChild; use Moose; extends 'Foo::Base'; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; package main; my $child1 = Foo::AmericanChild->new; my $child2 = Foo::BritishChild->new; local $\="\n"; print $_->type . ':' . $_->nationality for ($child1, $child2); # => # american_child:american # british_child:british =cut my %CACHED_NAMES; parameter name => (isa => 'Str', required => 1); parameter regex => (); role { my $p = shift; my $name = $p->name; my $regex = $p->regex || '([^:]*)$'; $regex = qr{$regex}; method $name => sub { my $class = shift; $class = ref $class || $class; my $n = $CACHED_NAMES{"$class\::$name"}; unless (defined $n) { ($n) = $class =~ $regex; $n =~ s/([[:lower:]])([[:upper:]])/$1\_$2/g; $n =~ s/([[:upper:]])([[:upper:]][[:lower:]])/$1\_$2/g; $n = $CACHED_NAMES{"$class\::$name"} = lc $n; } return $n; }; }; =head1 AUTHOR Aaron Cohen, C<< <aarondcohen at> >> =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This module was made possible by L<Shutterstock|> (L<@ShutterTech|>). Additional open source projects from Shutterstock can be found at L<|>. =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-MooseX-Role-Nameable at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc MooseX::Role::Nameable You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * Official GitHub Repo L<> =item * GitHub's Issue Tracker (report bugs here) L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Official CPAN Page L<> =back =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 Aaron Cohen. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. =cut 1; # End of MooseX::Role::Nameable