# NAME Storable::CouchDB - Persistence for Perl data structures in Apache CouchDB # SYNOPSIS use Storable::CouchDB; my $s = Storable::CouchDB->new; my $data = $s->retrieve('doc'); #undef if not exists $s->store('doc1' => "data"); #overwrites or creates if not exists $s->store('doc2' => {"my" => "data"}); $s->store('doc3' => ["my", "data"]); $s->store('doc4' => undef); $s->store('doc5' => $deepDataStructure); $s->delete('doc'); ## Inheritance package My::Storable::CouchDB; use base qw{Storable::CouchDB}; sub db {"what-i-want"}; sub uri {"http://where.i.want:5984/"}; 1; # DESCRIPTION The Storable::CouchDB package brings persistence to your Perl data structures containing SCALAR, ARRAY, HASH or anything that can be serialized into JSON. The concept for this package is to provide similar capabilities as Storable::store and Storable::retrieve which work seamlessly with CouchDB instead of a file system. ## Storage Details The data is stored in the CouchDB under a key named "data", in the document named by the "doc" argument, in the database return by the "db" method, on the server returned by the "uri" method. In pseudo code: $uri . $db . $doc -> "data" = $data Example: The perl script perl -MStorable::CouchDB -e 'Storable::CouchDB->new->store(counter=>{key=>[1,2,3]})' Creates or updates this document Which returns this JSON structure { "_id":"counter", "_rev":"39-31732f54c3ad4f2b61c217a9a8cf6171", "data":{"key":[1,2,3]} } # USAGE Write a Perl data structure to the database. use Storable::CouchDB; my $s = Storable::CouchDB->new; $s->store('doc' => "Hello World!"); Read a Perl data structure from the database. use Storable::CouchDB; my $s = Storable::CouchDB->new; my $data = $s->retrieve('doc'); print "$data\n"; prints "Hello World!" # CONSTRUCTOR ## new my $s = Storable::CouchDB->new; #use default server and database my $s = Storable::CouchDB->new( uri => '', #default db => 'perl-storable-couchdb', #default ); # METHODS ## initialize ## store $s->store('doc' => "Value"); $s->store('doc' => {a => 1}); $s->store('doc' => [1, 2, 3]); my $data=$s->store('doc' => {b => 2}); #returns data that was stored API Difference: The [Storable](https://metacpan.org/pod/Storable) API uses the \`store data > filename\` syntax which I think is counterintuitive for a document key=>value store like Apache CouchDB. ## retrieve my $data=$s->retrieve('doc'); #undef if not exists (but you can also store undef) ## delete $s->delete('doc'); my $data=$s->delete('doc'); #returns value from database just before delete # METHODS (Properties) ## db Sets and retrieves the Apache CouchDB database name. Default: perl-storable-couchdb Limitation: Only lowercase characters (a-z), digits (0-9), and any of the characters \_, $, (, ), +, -, and / are allowed. Must begin with a letter. ## uri URI of the Apache CouchDB server Default: # LIMITATIONS All I need this package for storing ASCII values so currently this package meets my requirements. But, I would like to add blessed object support. I will gladly accept patches! This package relies heavily on [CouchDB::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/CouchDB::Client) to do the right thing. So far, I have not had any complaints other than a slightly awkward interface. # BUGS Please log on GitHub # AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT # COPYRIGHT MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 Michael R. Davis # SEE ALSO [Storable](https://metacpan.org/pod/Storable), [CouchDB::Client](https://metacpan.org/pod/CouchDB::Client), Apache CouchDB http://couchdb.apache.org/