# tlock

### Locking with timeouts.

tlock is handling "tlocks", advisory locks with timeouts.

They are implemented as simple directories that are created and deleted in the lock directory.

A distant predecessor was written many years ago as a kludge to make locking work properly on a Windows server. But it turned out to be very handy to have tlocks in the filesystem, giving you an at-a-glance overview of them. And giving the non-scripting sysadmins easy access to view and manipulate tlocks.

## Synopsis

    # taking a tlock for 5 minutes
    token=$(tlock take 'logwork' 300 || exit 1)


    # hand over to that other script
    /usr/local/logrotate/logrotate $token


    # checking lock is alive
    tlock alive 'logwork' $token || exit 1

    # Make time for the fancy rotation task.
    tlock renew 'logwork' 600

    do_fancy_log_rotation 547
    /usr/local/cleaning/clean-up-logs.sh $token

    # releasing the lock
    tlock release 'logwork' $token

## Configuration

There are a number of ways tlock parameters can be set, The prioritized list is:

1. Directly on the command line with options "-d", "-m", "-o" and "-p".

1. Environment variables "tlock_dir", "tlock_marker", "tlock_owner" and "tlock_patience".

1. Configuration file given by the environment variable "tlock_conf".

1. Configuration file "/etc/tlock.conf".

1. Default configuration.

## In the file system

Each tlock is a subdirectory of the lock directory. Their names are "$marker.$label". The default value for $marker is "tlock".

All the data for a tlock is in its directory. If it is removed from the lock directory, the tlock is released. If it is moved back in, it is alive again (unless it has timed out). If too much playing around has messed up the lock directory, running tlock_zing on it cleans it up.

The lock directory also contains shortlived directories named "$marker_.$label". They are per label master locks that help to make changes to the normal locks atomic.

## Command line

tlock [-<option> [parameter]] <command> [parameter ...]

## Options

-d <d>  Set the lock directory to <d>.

-h      Show help text.

-m <m>  Set marker to <m>.

-o <o>  Set tlock owner to <o>.

-p <p>  Set patience to <p>.

-V      Show the version.

## Commands

**tlock take <label> <timeout>**

Takes the specified tlock if possible. Prints the token value.

**tlock renew <label> <token> <timeout>**

Renews the tlock.

**tlock release <label> <token>**

Releases the tlock.

**tlock alive <label> <token>**

Returns true if the specified tlock is still alive.

**tlock taken <label>**

Returns true if any tlock with the given label, is alive.

**tlock expiry <label>**

Prints the epoch time when the tlock with the given label will expire.

**tlock zing**

Cleans up the lock directory.

## Parameters


The directory containing the tlocks.


The common prefix of the directory names used for tlocks.

Prefixes can be any non-empty string consisting of letters a-z or A-Z, digits 0-9, dashes "-" and underscores "_" (PCRE: [a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]+). First character has to be a letter, and last character a letter or digit.


The UID of the owner of the tlocks.

Will be silently ignored if it cannot be set.

Default value is -1. Which means the owner running the script.


Patience is the time a method will try to take or change a tlock, before it gives up. For example when tlock_take tries to take a tlock that is already taken, it is the number of seconds it should wait for that tlock to be released before giving up.

Default patience value is 2.5 seconds.,

## One tlock, multiple scripts

The point of having tokens is to be able to hand over locks between scripts in a secure way. These scripts can be written in different languages. But they have to use the same dir and marker settings.

If you are using Perl there is a module available. You can read more here: [https://github.com/spragl/Tlock/blob/main/PERL.md](https://github.com/spragl/Tlock/blob/main/PERL.md)

## License & copyright

(c) 2022-2023 Bjoern Hee

Licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0
