Alien::Libjio - Installing and finding libjio (Journalled I/O library)

    Version 1.0 ($Id: 7057 2009-05-12 22:51:01Z

    To ensure reliability, some file systems and databases provide support
    for something known as journalling. The idea is to ensure data
    consistency by creating a log of actions to be taken (called a Write
    Ahead Log) before committing them to disk. That way, if a transaction
    were to fail due to a system crash or other unexpected event, the write
    ahead log could be used to finish writing the data.

    While this functionality is often available with networked databases, it
    can be a rather memory- and processor-intensive solution, even where
    reliable writes are important. In other cases, the filesystem does not
    provide native journalling support, so other tricks may be used to
    ensure data integrity, such as writing to a separate temporary file and
    then overwriting the file instead of modifying it in-place.
    Unfortunately, this method cannot handle threaded operations

    Thankfully, Alberto Bertogli published a userspace C library called
    libjio that can provide these features in a small (less than 1500 lines
    of code) library with no external dependencies.

    This package is designed to install it, and provide a way to get the
    flags necessary to compile programs using it. It is particularly useful
    for Perl XS programs that use it, such as IO::Journal.

    This module was tested under Perl 5.10.0, using Debian Linux. However,
    because it's Pure Perl and doesn't do anything too obscure, it should be
    compatible with any version of Perl that supports its prerequisite

    By default, this library is installed wherever the main system libraries
    are usually installed. As a result, "Alien::Libjio" will only work if
    installed with root permissions.

    If you encounter any problems on a different version or architecture,
    please contact the maintainer.

    Jonathan Yu <>

    Your name here ;-)

    *   Special thanks to Alberto Bertogli <> for
        developing this useful library and for releasing it into the public

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Alien::Libjio

    You can also look for information at:

    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    *   CPAN Request Tracker


    *   CPAN Testing Service (Kwalitee Tests)


    *   CPAN Testers Platform Compatibility Matrix


    You can access the most recent development version of this module at:


    If you are a CPAN developer and would like to make modifications to the
    code base, please contact Adam Kennedy <>, the repository
    administrator. I only ask that you contact me first to discuss the
    changes you wish to make to the distribution.

    Please send relevant comments, rotten tomatoes and suggestions directly
    to the maintainer noted above.

    If you have a bug report or feature request, please file them on the
    CPAN Request Tracker at <>. If you are able to submit
    your bug report in the form of failing unit tests, you are strongly
    encouraged to do so.

    IO::Journal, a Perl module that provides an interface to libjio.

    App::Info::Lib::Jio, a package that gets information about libjio.

    <>, Alberto Bertogli's page about libjio,
    which explains the purpose and featuers of libjio.

    There are no known bugs as of this release.

    *   This module can only search known/common paths for libjio
        installations. It does try to use pkg-config and ExtUtils::Liblist
        to find a libjio installation on your system, but it cannot predict
        where files might have been installed. As a result, this package
        might install a duplicate copy of libjio.

    Copyleft 2009 by Jonathan Yu <>. All rights reversed.

    I, the copyright holder of this package, hereby release the entire
    contents therein into the public domain. This applies worldwide, to the
    extent that it is permissible by law.

    In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to
    use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such
    conditions are required by law.

    The full details of this can be found in the LICENSE file included in
    this package.

    The software is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind, express
    or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
    merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
    In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any
    claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract,
    tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the
    software or the use or other dealings in the software.