NAME Gtk2::GladeXML::OO - Drop-in replacement for Gtk2::GladeXML with object oriented interface to Glade. SYNOPSIS use Gtk2::GladeXML::OO; # exactly as in Gtk2::GladeXML our $gladexml = Gtk2::GladeXML::OO->new('glade/'); $gladexml->signal_autoconnect_from_package('main'); $gladexml->debug(2); sub gtk_main_quit { Gtk2->main_quit; } # Object _MUST_ be declared as "our" our $myobject = MyObject->new(); Gtk2->main; # ...and now callbacks in Glade can be: # # myobject->method <- Gtk2 will pass standard parameters to Your method # myobject->method() <- without any parameters, ie. window->hide() # myobject->method("param0", "param1") <- with Your parameters # myobject->get_it()->do_sth("par0", "par1") <- multilevel call to Your object # tree_view->get_selection->select_all() <- multilevel call to Glade object!! # # gtk_main_quit <- standard function interface, like before # See and in example directory! DESCRIPTION This module provides a clean and easy object-oriented interface in Glade callbacks (automagicaly loads objects and do all dirty work for you, no action is required on your part). Now You can use in callbacks: widgets, Your objects or standard functions like before. Callbacks can be even multilevel! Gtk2::GladeXML::OO is a drop-in replacement for Gtk2::GladeXML, so after a change from Gtk2::GladeXML to Gtk2::GladeXML::OO all Your applications will work fine and will have new functionality. AUTOLOAD If You are using AUTOLOAD subroutine in main package, Gtk2::GladeXML::OO module will invoke it, when it cound'nt find any matching object in Glade file and Your code. SUBROUTINES/METHODS new('/path/to/') This method should be called exactly as "new" in Gtk2::GladeXML. In example: # Gtk2::GladeXML::OO object our $gladexml = Gtk2::GladeXML::OO->new('glade/'); debug This method turns on/off debug. Three levels are acceptable. 0 => turns OFF debug 1 => turns ON debug (only important information/warnings), DEFAULT 2 => turns ON debug in verbose mode, use this when You are in a trouble In example: # tunrs OFF debug $gladexml->debug(0); ...some code... # tunrs ON debug $gladexml->debug(1); ...some code... # turns ON debug in verbose mode $gledexml->debug(2); For all other methods see "Gtk2::GladeXML"! DEPENDENCIES Carp (in standard Perl distribution) Gtk2::GladeXML INCOMPATIBILITIES None known. You can even use AUTOLOAD in Your application and all modules. BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Limitation (will be resolved in a future): For now Your objects are loaded only from main package. AUTHOR Strzelecki �ukasz <> LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See