
Cache::Dir - A simple key-value store using the filesystem.


    use Cache::Dir;
    my $cache = dir => $*HOME.child('.cache');

    $cache.get-cached: 'answer', 42;
    $catch.get-cached: 'question', { "why?" };
    $cache.exists: 'answer';          # true
    $cache.get: 'answer';             # 42
    $cache.remove: 'answer';
    $cache.get('question');           # why?


This module provides simple key-value storage using the filesytem.

Each key is stored in a separate file. The filename is a SHA1 of
the key. If the key not a string or numeric, then it is serialized
using `.raku` before taking the sha.

Serialization of the value is done using `.raku` and deserialization
is done using `.EVAL`.

Storage is done with atomic write-and-rename, so depends on a
filesystem that has those semantics. The age of the key is also
filesytem dependent.

Note that the key is not stored, so there's no way to get a list
of keys. However it is possible to get a list of "entries", which
are objects that include their age, storage path, and value (see
[Cache::Dir::Entry](Cache::Dir::Entry) below).


method get-cached

    method get-cached($key, $val) returns Mu
    method get-cached($key, &v) returns Mu

Return a key if it exists, or store the provided value. The value
can be a scalar or a routine.

method get

    method get($key) returns Mu
    method get($key, $val) returns Mu
    method get($key, &v) returns Mu

Get a value with a default scalar or routine

method store

    method store($key, $value) returns Mu
    method store($key, &v) returns Mu

Store a value with a key. The value can be a scalar or a routine.

method remove

    method remove($key) returns Mu

Remove a key from the cache.

method exists

    method exists($key) returns Bool

Check if a key exists in the cache.

method age-seconds

    method age-seconds($key) returns Int

Return the number of seconds since the key was last modified.

method all-keys

    method all-keys returns Array

Return a list of all keys in the cache.

method flush

    method flush returns Mu

Remove all keys from the cache.

method get-entries

    method get-entries returns Array

Return a list of Cache::Dir::Entry objects, which can be used to
inspect and remove individual entries.


method clear

    method clear returns Mu

Remove the entry from the cache.

method value

    method value returns Mu

Return the value of the entry.

method age-seconds

    method age-seconds returns Int

Return the number of seconds since the entry was last modified.

method modified

    method modified returns DateTime

Return the last modified time of the entry.


Getting the key's age relies on accurate interactions between Raku and the filesystem.


Brian Duggan