# App::LDAP [](http://travis-ci.org/shelling/app-ldap) App::LDAP is aimed at being a handy tool for system administrator to create/delete accounts, groups, sudoers, hosts, and more without editing LDIF directly. Besides, it also provides the abilities similar to migration tools provided by PADL and a instinctive browser, that can make you easily migrate to LDAP fast within only one tool set. The tool retrives all infomation via /etc/ldap.conf or the same file at different locations so that you can command almost the same as the time you are using /etc/* files. And all permission would be determined via the UID of users. So, just configure your LDAP server and client well and install App::LDAP, it would serves there as the tools you are familiar to and help you migrate/import/export data rapidly. Enjoy the time managing hundreds of computers without more loading. ## WARNING This software is under the heavy development and considered ALPHA quality till the version hits v1.0.0. Things might be broken, not all features have been implemented, and APIs will be likely to change. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ## INSTALLATION App::LDAP installation is straightforward. If your CPAN shell is set up, you should just be able to do $ cpan App::LDAP You can also intall it into the [perlbrew](http://perlbrew.pl/) environment via [cpanm](https://github.com/miyagawa/cpanminus). Actually, this is the way used on developing App::LDAP. Of course, you can use the most basic way. Download it, unpack it, then build it as per the usual: $ perl Makefile.PL $ make && make test Then install it: $ make install ## DOCUMENTATION App::LDAP documentation is available as in POD. So you can do: $ perldoc App::LDAP to read the documentation online with your favorite pager. ## USAGE Assume your base is `dc=example,dc=com` which has been set up in `/etc/ldap/ldap.conf` or a acceptable place. and there are also some Organizational Units has been set up for *nss* and *pam* modules as following. + ou=people,dc=example,dc=com + ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com + ou=hosts,dc=exampke,dc=com + ou=sudoers,dc=example,dc=com ### initialize App::LDAP also requires some third-party schemas to function. These schemas are shipped with the project in the folder `schema/`. You can import them into the LDAP server via `$ ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -I LDAPI:/// -f filename.ldif` or let App::LDAP do it for you even better. $ sudo ldap init # configure server to load schema/* at runtime ### add After accomplishing all prerequisites, The schemas have been supported in `App::LDAP::LDIF::*` can be added via command line. $ sudo ldap add user shelling # add posixAccount uid=shelling,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com $ sudo ldap add group maintainer # add posixGroup cn=maintainer,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com $ sudo ldap add sudoer shelling # add sudoer cn=shelling,ou=sudoers,dc=example,dc=com $ sudo ldap add host dns # add host cn=dns,ou=hosts,dc=example,dc=com $ sudo ldap add ou test # add organizational unit ou=test,dc=example,dc=com ### delete Every schema is also supported to be deleted from command line. $ sudo ldap del user shelling # delete posixAccount uid=shelling,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com $ sudo ldap del group maintainer # delete posixGroup cn=maintainer,dc=groups,dc=example,dc=com ### password App::LDAP can guess your role from your UID, and help you to change your password. $ ldap passwd # change password of yourself $ sudo ldap passwd shelling # using priviledge of ldap admin to change passwd of shelling $ sudo ldap passwd shelling --lock # lock shelling $ sudo ldap passwd shelling --unlock # unlock shelling ### backup and restoring Doing backup and restoring are also supported. $ sudo ldap import new.ldif # add content of new.ldif $ sudo ldap export all.ldif # save all entries under dc=example,dc=com into all.ldif ## LICENSE Copyright (C) 2010 shelling MIT (X11) License