CatalystX::Eta are composed of Moose::Roles for consistent
    CRUD/Validation/Testing between apps.

    "Eta" is just a cool Greek letter. I'm using it for not polluting CPAN
    CatalystX namespace with this module.

WTH CatalystX::Eta is and why did you do that

    I started (although not with this namespace) as set of Catalyst
    Controller Roles to extend and reduce repeatable tasks that I had to do
    to make REST/CRUD stuff.

    Later, I had to start more Catalyst projects. After a while, others
    collaborators were using it on their projects too, but copying the code
    in each app.

    After a while, they made modifications on those files as well, and now
    we have lot of versions of *almost* same thing, and this is hell! So,
    I'm using this namespace to group and keep those changes together.

    This module may not fit for you, but it's a very simple way to make
    CRUD schemas on REST, without prohibit or complicate use of catalyst
    power, like chains or anything else.

How it works

    CatalystX::Eta do not create any path on you application. This is your

    Almost all CatalystX::Eta roles need DBIx::Class to work good.

    CatalystX::Eta have those packages:


    And now, with a little description:

            - NOT a Moose::ROLE.
            - extends Catalyst::Controller::REST
            - overwrite /end to catch die.
            - requires 'base';
            - load $c->stash->{collection} a $c->model( $self->config->{result} )
            - requires 'list_GET';
            - requires 'list_POST';
            - list_GET read lines on $c->stash->{collection} then $self->status_ok
            - list_POST $c->stash->{collection}->execute(...) then $self->status_created
            - May $c->detach('/error_404'), so better you implement this Private Path.
            - requires 'object';
            - $c->stash->{object} = $c->stash->{collection}->search( { "" => $id } )
            - requires 'result_GET';
            - requires 'result_PUT';
            - requires 'result_DELETE';
            - result_GET $self->status_ok a $c->stash->{object}
            - result_PUT $c->stash->{object}->execute(...) and $self->status_accepted
            - result_DELETE $c->stash->{object}->delete and $self->status_no_content
            - requires 'list_POST';
            - basically:
                if ( !$c->check_any_user_role( @{ $config->{create_roles} } ) ) {
                    $self->status_forbidden( $c, message => "insufficient privileges" );
            - requires 'result_PUT';
            - that's not so simple as CheckRoleForPOST, because it
              depends on what you have the user_id field on $c->stash->{object}
              and sometimes it is true.
            - requires list_GET
            - return { suggestions => [ value => $row->name, data => $row->id ] } instead of
              the normal response, if $c->req->params->{list_autocompleate} is true.
            - requires 'list_GET';
            - read $self->config->{search_ok} and
              $c->stash->{collection}->search( ... ) if the $c->req->params->{$search_keys} are valid.
            - add validate_request_params method.
            - validate_request_params uses Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_parse_type_constraint
              to validate $c->req->params->{...}
            - add params_as_array
            - params_as_array is a litle crazy, see it bellow.
            - just a group of with's.
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoBase';      # 1
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoObject';    # 2
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoResult';    # 3
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::CheckRoleForPUT';
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::CheckRoleForPOST';
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoList';      # 1
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::Search';        # 2
            - another group of with's
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::Search';
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoBase';
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoObject';
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::CheckRoleForPUT';
            with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::CheckRoleForPOST';
            - extends Stash::REST and use Test::More
            - add a trigger process_response to Stash::REST
            this add a test for each request made with Stash::REST
                $desc . ( exists $opt->{conf}->{name} ? ' - ' . $opt->{conf}->{name} : '' )

 A Controller using CatalystX::Eta::Controller::SimpleCRUD

        package MyApp::Controller::API::User;
        use Moose;
        BEGIN { extends 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::REST' }
            # what resultset will be on $c->stash->{collection}
            # used by AutoBase
            result      => 'DB::User',
            # WARNING: you should never change it during "requests",
            # or behavior may be wrong, because Controllers are Singleton objects
            result_cond => { active => 1 },
            result_attr => { order_by => [''] },
            # where on stash the $c->stash->{collection}->next should be put
            # used by AutoObject and others.
            object_key => 'user',
            # what list_GET key should put collection results.
            list_key   => 'users',
            # check_only_roles => 0 # default.
            # used by CheckRoleForPUT
            update_roles => [qw/superadmin/],
            # used by CheckRoleForPOST
            create_roles => [qw/superadmin/],
            # used by AutoResult
            delete_roles => [qw/superadmin/],
            # if the user requesting delete or update have any of listed roles,
            # the action will be executed.
            # if the role was denied and config->{check_only_roles} is not true,
            # the code test if the object have the column (user_id | created_by ) and
            # if is equals $c->user->id, the action is executed even without the role.
            # used by AutoList and AutoResult
            # to generate the row.
            build_row => sub {
                my ( $r, $self, $c ) = @_;
                return {
                        map { $_ => $r->$_ }
                        id name email type
            # change delete behavior to a update.
            before_delete => sub {
                my ( $self, $c, $item ) = @_;
                $item->update({ active => 0 });
                return 0;
            # let the user search for a name using query-parameters
            search_ok => {
                'name' => 'Str',
        with 'CatalystX::Eta::Controller::SimpleCRUD';
        sub base : Chained('/api/base') : PathPart('users') : CaptureArgs(0) { }
        # here we implement read permissons
        after 'base' => sub {
            my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
            # if you are not a superadmin, (or, if you are a user)
            # you can only see youself on GET /users for example.
            $c->stash->{collection} = $c->stash->{collection}->search(
                    '' => $c->user->id
            ) if $c->check_any_user_role('user');
        sub object : Chained('base') : PathPart('') : CaptureArgs(1) { }
        sub result : Chained('object') : PathPart('') : Args(0) : ActionClass('REST') { }
        sub result_GET { }
        sub result_PUT { }
        sub result_DELETE { }
        sub list : Chained('base') : PathPart('') : Args(0) : ActionClass('REST') { }
        sub list_GET { }
        sub list_POST { }


    In order to use CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoObject you need need
    '/error_404' Catalyst Private action defined.


    In order to use CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoResult->result_PUT you
    need that your DBIx::Class::Result have a sub execute defined.

    The routine will be executed as:

            for => 'update',
            with => $c->req->params,

    You should not use $c for things differ than detach to an form_error.


    In order to use CatalystX::Eta::Controller::AutoList->list_POST you
    need that your DBIx::Class::ResultSet have a sub execute defined.

    The routine will be executed as:

            for => 'create',
            with => $c->req->params,

    You should not use $c for things differ than detach to an form_error.


    CatalystX::Eta::Controller::REST extends `Catalyst::Controller::REST`.

    All your controllers should extends `CatalystX::Eta::Controller::REST`.

    All exceptions will be more "api friendly" than HTML with '(en) Please
    come back later\n...' Response code are set to 500, and rest response
    to { error => 'Internal Server Error' }

    You can also do

        die \['foobar', 'something']

    anywhere (where the die goes freely until reach /end) and it will be
    transformed in a 400 reponse code with { error => 'form_error',
    form_error => { 'foobar' => 'something' } }


    This role add a sub validate_request_params;

    validate_request_params uses
    Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_parse_type_constraint to valid
    content, so you can do things like:

            extra_days => {
                type     => 'Int',
                required => 1,
            credit_card_id => {
                type     => 'Int',
                required => 0,

    On your controllers, and it do the $c->status_bad_request and
    $c->detach on invalid/missing params.


    This role add a sub params_as_array;

    it transform keys of a hash to array of hashes:

        $self->params_as_array( 'foo', {
            'foo:1' => 'a',
            'bar:1' => 'b',
            'zoo:1' => 1,
            'zoo:2' => 2,
            { foo => 'a', zoo => 1},
            { foo => 'b', zoo => 2}

Tests Coverage

    This is the first version, and need a lot of progress on tests.

        @ version 0.01
        ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
        File                           stmt   bran   cond    sub    pod   time  total
        ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
        ...ta/Controller/  100.0   50.0   33.3  100.0    n/a   29.5   83.3
        ...ta/Controller/  100.0   50.0   33.3  100.0    n/a    1.5   87.8
        .../Controller/  100.0   75.0    n/a  100.0    n/a    0.7   94.4
        .../Controller/   93.3   50.0   33.3  100.0    n/a    0.6   71.4
        ...oller/   84.6   50.0    n/a  100.0    n/a    0.0   82.3
        ...roller/  100.0   64.2   44.4  100.0    n/a    0.0   72.7
        ...tX/Eta/Controller/   57.7   16.6   30.4  100.0   50.0   62.1   49.4
        .../Eta/Controller/   32.7   10.0   11.1  100.0    n/a    0.3   25.7
        .../Controller/  100.0    n/a    n/a  100.0    n/a    0.1  100.0
        ...atalystX/Eta/Test/   93.3   83.3    n/a  100.0    0.0    4.8   88.4
        Total                          74.4   39.0   32.3  100.0   33.3  100.0   61.5
        ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------


    - The documentation of all modules need to be created, and this


    Renato CRON <>


    Copyright 2015- Renato CRON

    Thanks to


    I'm using the word "REST" application but it really depends on you
    implement the truly REST. Catalyst::Controller::REST and
    CatalystX::Eta::Controller::REST only implement a JSON/YAML response,
    but lot of people would call those applications REST.

    Please do not use XML response with Catalyst::Controller::REST, because
    it use Simple::XML transform your data into something potentially
    unstable! If you want XML responses, use create it with a DTD.


    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

