version 1.00

copyright Mark Kaehny 1996
This package is available under the same guidelines as current perl
interpreters are. See the "Artistic Licence" in the perl distribution.

See the file for pod documentation. pod2man will create a
man page. This is a simple terminal control module.


1) Make sure your Term::Cap is from 5.002 minimum, and apply the patch
TCpatch by copying it to the same directory as, and
running 'patch < TCpatch' or by hand (it is only really two lines
if you look at it.) This eliminates some warnings perl -w gives.
The module will run without the patch but you may see some unitialized 
variable use.

2) Copy to a directory called 'Term' in your perl include path.
This could be in the standard library itself, or if you can't write there,
just make your own Term directory and add it to perls include path with
a 'BEGIN { push @INC "/my/path"; }' or see the perl manual for other 
ways to do this.

3) You are done and can now use (presuming Term::Cap works
on your system.) is a test program you can run
using 'perl'.

4) You can create a men page using 'pod2man'
or make html help using pod2html, or make text help using pod2text, etc.

5) For use if you have funny terminal arrows or function keys, write
a little sub that adds those keys to the key table, and send me
the sub with what terminal it describes. 


Make a terminfo version of this so better function key support would be
built in.

Make an MS-DOS version and a MAC version and an OS/2 version and a VMS 
version, and ... so we can stop seeing "how can I read one char questions"
(I am of course insulting Mac folks who don't need this, but ... :)

Mark Kaehny