LibXML Plugin for the Template Toolkit

                            Version 1.04

                           11th June 2003

       Copyright (C) 2002-3 Mark Fowler.  All Rights Reserved

       This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
           modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Hmm, most people will never read this as they'll download with
CPANPLUS or CPAN.  Here's hoping they click on it from a link from

STOP: Do you want the main documentation by typing
      "perldoc Template::Plugin::XML::LibXML" ?


This is a plugin for XML::LibXML for the template toolkit.  It's not
that complicated but it does have some interesting features

  - Being able to load XML with a USE statement like the XML.XPath
    plugin does

  - VIEW support (erk, this took some explaining)

  - Documentation and examples in the main pod that should hopefully
    mean anyone with an even passing familiarity with XPath should
    be able to get up and running in minutes


Just like any other Perl module:

  tar zxf Template-Plugin-XML-LibXML-X.XX.tar.gz
  cd Template-Plugin-XML-LibXML-X.XX
  perl Makefile.PL
  make test
  make install      (as root, or with sudo, etc)

Or, if you're using the new Module::Build install method:

  tar zxf Template-Plugin-XML-LibXML-X.XX.tar.gz
  cd Template-Plugin-XML-LibXML-X.XX
  perl Build.PL
  ./Build test
  ./Build install   (as root, or with sudo, etc)

This requires

 * The Template Toolkit version 2.06 or later
 * XML::LibXML 1.52 or later (which itself will require the libxml
   system library)

It may work with earlier versions of both modules, but it hasn't been
tested with them.

It also recommends

  * Scalar::Util 1.07


Support for this module can be requested in three ways:

  1) Use the CPAN RT.  This is primarly for
     bugs and feature requests.

  2) Use the Template Toolkit mailing list.
     Best for "should I be using XML.XPath instead" type questions

  3) Mailing me directly (

Problems with the underlying XML::LibXML module probably should be
addressed to either the perl xml mailing list at

or to the current maintainer of XML::LibXML (Christian Glahn, or to the current maintainers of the
underlying GNOME module libxml2.


This plugin was written by Mark Fowler <>. It
uses the XML::LibXML module (written by Matt Sergeant and Christian
Glahn) and the Template Toolkit (written by Andy Wardly).


Copyright (C) 2002-3 Mark Fowler.  All Rights Reserved.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.