NAME Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP - A Perl interface to Stanford's CoreNLP tool set. SYNOPSIS # Note that Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP can't be instantiated. use Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP; # Create a new NLP pipeline (make corefs bidirectional) my $pipeline = new Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP::Pipeline(1); # Get annotator properties: my $props = $pipeline->getProperties(); # These are the default annotator properties: $props->put('annotators', 'tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse, dcoref'); # Update properties: $pipeline->setProperties($props); # Process text # (Will output lots of debug info from the Java classes to STDERR.) my $result = $pipeline->process( 'Jane looked at the IBM computer. She turned it off.' ); my @seen_corefs; # Print results for my $sentence (@{$result->toArray}) { print "\n[Sentence ID: ", $sentence->getIDString, "]:\n"; print "Original sentence:\n\t", $sentence->getSentence, "\n"; print "Tagged text:\n"; for my $token (@{$sentence->getTokens->toArray}) { printf "\t%s/%s/%s [%s]\n", $token->getWord, $token->getPOSTag, $token->getNERTag, $token->getLemma; } print "Dependencies:\n"; for my $dep (@{$sentence->getDependencies->toArray}) { printf "\t%s(%s-%d, %s-%d) [%s]\n", $dep->getRelation, $dep->getGovernor->getWord, $dep->getGovernorIndex, $dep->getDependent->getWord, $dep->getDependentIndex, $dep->getLongRelation; } print "Coreferences:\n"; for my $coref (@{$sentence->getCoreferences->toArray}) { printf "\t%s [%d, %d] <=> %s [%d, %d]\n", $coref->getSourceToken->getWord, $coref->getSourceSentence, $coref->getSourceHead, $coref->getTargetToken->getWord, $coref->getTargetSentence, $coref->getTargetHead; print "\t\t(Duplicate)\n" if(grep { $_->equals($coref) } @seen_corefs); push @seen_corefs, $coref; } } DESCRIPTION This module implements a "StanfordCoreNLP" pipeline for annotating text with part-of-speech tags, dependencies, lemmas, named-entity tags, and coreferences. (Note that the archive contains the CoreNLP annotation models, which is why it's so darn big. Also note that versions before 0.10 have slightly different API:s than 0.10+.) INSTALLATION The following should do the job: $ perl Build.PL $ ./Build test $ sudo ./Build install PREREQUISITES Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP consists mainly of Java code, and thus needs Inline::Java installed to function. ENVIRONMENT Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP can use the following environmental variables LINGUA_CORENLP_JAR_PATH Directory containing the CoreNLP jar-files. Normally, Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP expects LINGUA_CORENLP_JAR_PATH to contain the following files: stanford-corenlp-VERSION.jar stanford-corenlp-VERSION-models.jar joda-time.jar jollyday.jar xom.jar (Where VERSION is 1.3.4 or the value of LINGUA_CORENLP_VERSION.) If your filenames are different, you can add "*.jar" to the end of the path, to make Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP use all the jar-files in LINGUA_CORENLP_JAR_PATH. LINGUA_CORENLP_VERSION Version of jar-files in LINGUA_CORENLP_JAR_PATH. LINGUA_CORENLP_JAVA_ARGS Arguments to pass to JVM (via Inline::Java). Defaults to "-Xmx2000m" (increase max memory to 2000 MB). EXPORTED CLASS Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP exports the following Java-classes via Inline::Java: Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP::Pipeline The main interface to "StanfordCoreNLP". This class is the only one you can instantiate yourself. It is, basically, a perlified be.fivebyfive.lingua.stanfordcorenlp.Pipeline. new new($bidirectionalCorefs) Creates a new "Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP::Pipeline" object. The optional boolean parameter $bidirectionalCorefs makes coreferences bidirectional; that is to say, the coreference is added to both the source and the target sentence of all coreferences (if the source and target sentence are different). $silent and $bidirectionalCorefs default to false. getProperties Returns a "java.util.Properties" object containing annotator options. By default it contains a single entry, "annotators", which has the value "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse, dcoref". setProperties($prop) Updates annotator options. Expects a "java.util.Properties" object. If you call this after having called "process", you will have to call "initPipeline" to update the annotator. getPipeline Returns a reference to the "StanfordCoreNLP" pipeline used for annotation. You probably won't want to touch this. initPipeline Reinitializes the "StanfordCoreNLP" pipeline used for annotation. process($str) Process a string. Returns a "Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP::PipelineSentenceList". JAVA CLASSES In addition, Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP indirectly exports the following Java-classes, all belonging to the namespace "be.fivebyfive.lingua.stanfordcorenlp": PipelineItem Abstract superclass of "Pipeline{Coreference,Dependency,Sentence,Token}". Contains ID and methods for getting and comparing it. getID Returns a "java.util.UUID" object which represents the item's ID. getIDString Returns the ID as a string. identicalTo($b) Returns true if $b has an identical ID to this item. PipelineCoreference An object representing a coreference between head-word W1 in sentence S1 and head-word W2 in sentence S2. Note that both sentences and words are zero-indexed, unlike the default outputs of Stanford's tools. getSourceSentence Index of sentence S1. getTargetSentence Index of sentence S2. getSourceHead Index of word W1 (in S1). getTargetHead Index of word W2 (in S2). getSourceToken The "PipelineToken" representing W1. getTargetToken The "PipelineToken" representing W2. equals($b) Returns true if this "PipelineCoreference" matches $b --- if their "getSourceToken" and "getTargetToken" have the same ID. Note that it returns true even if the orders of the coreferences are reversed (if "$a->getSourceToken->getID == $b->getTargetToken->getID" and "$a->getTargetToken->getID == $b->getSourceToken->getID"). toCompactString A compact String representation of the coreference --- "Word/Sentence:Head <=> Word/Sentence:Head". toString A String representation of the coreference --- "Word/POS-tag [sentence, head] <=> Word/POS-tag [sentence, head]". PipelineDependency Represents a dependency in the Stanford Typed Dependency format. For example, in the fragment "Walk hard", "Walk" is the governor and "hard" is the dependent in the relationship "advmod" ("hard" is an adverbial modifier of "Walk"). getGovernor The governor in the relation as a "PipelineToken". getGovernorIndex The index of the governor within the sentence. getDependent The dependent in the relation as a "PipelineToken". getDependentIndex The index of the dependent within the sentence. getRelation Short name of the relation. getLongRelation Long description of the relation. toCompactString toCompactString($includeIndices) toString toString($includeIndices) Returns a String representation of the dependency --- "relation(governor-N, dependent-N) [description]". "toCompactString" does not include description. The optional parameter $includeIndices controls whether governor and dependent indices are included, and defaults to true. (Note that unlike those of, e.g., the Stanford Parser, these indices start at zero, not one.) PipelineSentence An annotated sentence, containing the sentence itself, its dependencies, pos- and ner-tagged tokens, and coreferences. getSentence Returns a string containing the original sentence getTokens A "PipelineTokenList" containing the POS- and NER-tagged and lemmaized tokens of the sentence. getDependencies A "PipelineDependencyList" containing the dependencies found in the sentence. getCoreferences A "PipelineCoreferenceList" of the coreferences between this and other sentences. toCompactString toString A String representation of the sentence, its coreferences, dependencies, and tokens. "toCompactString" separates fields by "\n", whereas "toString" separates them by "\n\n". PipelineToken A token, with POS- and NER-tag and lemma. getWord The textual representation of the token (i.e. the word). getPOSTag The token's Part-of-Speech tag. getNERTag The token's Named-Entity tag. getLemma The lemma of the the token. toCompactString toCompactString($lemmaize) A compact String representation of the token --- "word/POS-tag". If the optional argument $lemmaize is true, returns "lemma/POS-tag". toString A String representation of the token --- "word/POS-tag/NER-tag [lemma]". PipelineList PipelineCoreferenceList PipelineDependencyList PipelineSentenceList PipelineTokenList "PipelineList" is a generic list class which extends "java.Util.ArrayList". It is in turn extended by "Pipeline{Coreference,Dependency,Sentence,Token}List" (which are the list-types that "Pipeline" returns). Note that all lists are zero-indexed. joinList($sep) joinListCompact($sep) Returns a string containing the output of either the "toString" or "toCompactString" methods of the elements in "PipelineList", separated by $sep. toArray Return the elements of the list as an array-reference. toHashMap Return the list as a "java.util.HashMap<String,PipelineItem>", with items' stringified ID:s as keys. toCompactString toString Returns the elements of the "PipelineList" as a string containing the output of either their "toCompactString" or "toString" methods, separated by the default separator (which is "\n" for all lists except "PipelineTokenList" which uses " "). TODO * Add representative mention to PipelineCoreference. * Make build system also compile "LinguaSCNLP.jar". REQUESTS & BUGS Please file any issues, bug-reports, or feature-requests at <>. AUTHORS Kalle R�is�nen <>. COPYRIGHT Lingua::StanfordCoreNLP (Perl bindings) Copyright � 2011-2013 Kalle R�is�nen. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. Stanford CoreNLP tool set Copyright � 2010-2012 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford Junior University. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see <>. SEE ALSO <>, Text::NLP::Stanford::EntityExtract, NLP::StanfordParser, Inline::Java.