version 0.1 20 February 1999 Greg Ward <> Copyright (c) 1999 Gregory P. Ward. All rights reserved. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. This module provides an interface to fortune cookie databases, as implemented by the fortune-mod-9708 distribution (which is widely used in the Linux world, and available with at least the Red Hat and Debian distributions). Currently, it is a read-only interface. If I ever need to a read-write interface, I suppose I'll write one; if *you* need one, feel free to write it and send me a patch! The latest version of this module will be available at: If you need a full-blown fortune package, try fortune-mod, which should be available at: $Id: README,v 1.1 1999/02/20 18:50:53 greg Exp $