
Gaby Vanhegan - 2/5/2001


This is the EasyDB suite of modules.  It is the final year project of
Gaby Vanhegan for a BSc Information Systems.

What is EasyDB?

EasyDB allows people with no knowledge of SQL to use a database.  The user
only needs to know:

	- A username/password that they can connect to the database with
	- The name of the machine that the database is stored on
	- The name of the database they are connecting to

It is also helpful to know:

	- The name of the table you want to work with
	- How that table is structured

In order to be able to use EasyDB you must have the DBI and DBD::mysql
Perl modules installed.  These can be found at:


What Can I Do With EasyDB?

There are four things you can do in this release:

1. Find data in a table

This is done using the find function:

	$db->find->criteria( [search criteria] );
	my @array	= @{ $db->find->as_array() };
	my %hash	= %{ $db->find->as_hash() };

2. Add new data to a table

This is done using the add function:

	$db->add->data(	Name => 'Barry',
			Age  => '21' );

3. Change data in the table

This is achieved using the change function

	$db->change->criteria( Age => '21' );
	$db->change->to( Age => '22' );

4. Delete data from the table

Using the delete function

	$db->delete->criteria( Age => '<= 15' );

There are a number of utility functions that these functions have but
you should read the man page to find out more.

In this release only MySQL databases are supported but other systems
will be supported in later releases.