[1mNAME[0m Conductrics Agent [1mDESCRIPTION[0m I've got php agent API from conductrics github (https://github.com/conductrics/conductrics-php) and I've rewritten it in Modern Perl. I've substituted rand() calls with less cpu expensive Time::Hires to unvalidate cache. I'll use this module for a new Catalyst model. [1mSYNOPSIS[0m use Conductrics::Agent; my $agent = Conductrics::Agent->new( name=>'', # your conductrics agent apiKey=>'', # place your apikey here ownerCode=>'', # place your ownerCode here baseUrl=>'http://api.conductrics.com', ); # # $agent will ask for a decision the conductrics server about which colour # my $choice = $agent->decide($userSessionid, qw/red jellow green blue/); say $choice; [1mMETHODS[0m [1mdecide($sessionId, @choices)[0m Conductrics will compute the decision and this returns which $choice. [1mreward($sessionId, $goalCode, [$value])[0m Conductrics will collect the numeric value, about the goalCode. [1mexpire($sessionId)[0m You are notifing that this session has been closed. http://www.conductrics.com/ for more info about their analysis service. [1mToDo[0m Return promises for handling non blocking request to conductrics server. [1mAUTHORS[0m Ferruccio Zamuner - nonsolosoft@diff.org [1mCOPYRIGHT[0m This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.