# NAME switchman # USAGE switchman [OPTIONS] -- CMD [ARGS] To use switchman you need a ZooKeeper installation. You have to create the top level znode for switchman (e.g. /myproject/switchman) by yourself. This znode is also used to store the data that describes groups. ## OPTIONS - \-c|--config /path/to/config Optional, default is /etc/switchman.conf The file is expected to contain a json-encoded hash with the following keys: prefix: path to top level znode that contains group data and other nodes zkhosts: ZooKeeper servers to connect to Other keys are optional: data_read_len: the maximum length of data (in bytes) that could be retrieved from ZooKeeper nodes increase this value if you had a large size data stored in prefix znode positive integer value, defaults to 65535 logfile: path to an optional logfile loglevel: log level used for messages going to `logfile` possible values: debug/info/warning/critical, defaults to "info" resources_wait_timeout: number of seconds, which limits time for acquiring all leases natural integer value, defaults to 0, which means no timeout termination_timeout: number of seconds a child process is given between SIGTERM and SIGKILL, see COMMAND TERMINATION positive integer value, defaults to 10 Example: { "prefix":"/myproject/switchman", "zkhosts":"zk1:2181,zk2:2181,zk3:2181", "loglevel":"info", "logfile":"/path/to/log" } - \-g|--group group\_name Optional, if specified must be one of the groups described in prefix znode. By providing this option you can ensure that CMD will be executed only if the current host is specified in group description. Example (data stored prefix znode): {"groups":{"group1":["host1","host2"],"group2":"host1"}} Then if you execute user@host2$ switchman -g group2 -- CMD switchman will exit immediately. Also you can refer to groups from other groups: {"groups":{"group1":["host1","group3"],"group2":"host1","group3":"host2"}} The logic is the following: if a value in a group description isn't found among group names it is treated as a host name. Note: all host names MUST be fqdns. - \--lease resource=count:total Optional, multiple leases for different resources are supported. Before acquiring the lock switchman will ensure that all leases are acquired in the order specified in prefix znode. Example (data stored prefix znode): {"resources": ["FQDN_mem", "FQDN_cpu"]} Processes wait for resources in fair queues, watching for the lock to appear. If the lock appears, all enqueued processes that were watching for it will exit. A persistent node /myproject/switchman/semaphores/resource is created. The following macros for this option are supported: CPU, FQDN, MEMMB. CPU is expanded into a number of cpu cores as reported by Sys::CPU. FQDN is expanded into the current host's fqdn. MEMMB is expanded into total amount of physical memory in megabytes. You can use strings representing Perl expressions for "count" and "total" parameters, but make sure these expressions return an integer value when evaled: --lease FQDN_mem='4:int(MEMMB/1024)' # leases 4 GB - \--lockname name Optional, default is CMD's basename. A name for a lock to be acquired in ZooKeeper. Lock is implemented as an ephemeral node /myproject/switchman/locks/name - \--no-lock Optional. Disables the "lock" mechanism, thus not limiting you to run CMD in only a single instance. By default "lock" mechanism is enabled. Sometimes you may want to use switchman only for its "groups" mechanism, to only restrict your particular CMD to be executed on some particular host or hosts. In case your CMD is already able to not run its second instance on the same host if the first one is already running, but you do want to run an instance of this same CMD on more than one host simultaneously, it is possible to just disable "lock" mechanism in switchman. Note: this will not disable, nor alter the behaviour of "lease" mechanism. It is possible to make "lease" mechanism and "lock" mechanism to work on per-host basis by prefixing lock name with host name, i.e.: ```--lockname `hostname`_lock``` - \-h|--help Show this help and exit. # DESCRIPTION This utility manages distributed locks and semaphores in ZooKeeper and can be used for organizing distributed job execution. It is not a scheduler, you still need something (e.g. cron) to launch your jobs. The command is run only if all specified leases and the named lock are acquired. You can restrict job execution to a set of hosts, see --group option. switchman forks and execs the command in the child process, while parent process regularly checks if the lock still exists and that group description still lists the current host (given that the --group option was provided on start). If any of these checks fail, the command is terminated. # COMMAND TERMINATION To terminate the command switchman (parent process) sends a SIGTERM signal to the command process and then waits for the number of seconds specified by in the `termination_timeout` configuration parameter before sending the final SIGKILL. If command process happens to exit before that timeout, switchman exits with the same exit code. # EXAMPLES - Simple locking switchman -- cmd ensures that only one instance of cmd will be run at the same time - Queueing (e.g. rolling release) switchman --lockname $(hostname)-rr --lease rr=1:1 -- restart-cmd queues up for exclusive lease of resource "rr", acquires a lock with a name specific to the given host when the lease is acquired - Leasing local resources switchman --lease FQDN_cpu=1:CPU --lease FQDN_mem=4096:MEMMB -- cmd leases 1 cpu core, 4 GB of memory (exclusive lock is also acquired) - Using groups If you don't need your jobs to be distributed by several servers, you can limit a group to a single host and assign your jobs to this group by running them with the --group option. Later when you need to change the host where the jobs are to be executed, you can change the configuration in ZooKeeper. You don't even need to have access to the hosts your scripts are installed on, which is critical in case of network split. # BUILD ``` git clone https://github.com/komarov/switchman.git cd switchman dzil build cd switchman-VERSION dh-make-perl -p switchman debuild ``` # SEE ALSO man 1 flock http://zookeeper.apache.org/ https://github.com/noxiouz/python-flock # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012-2015 by Yandex LLC. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. # AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS Alexandr Duplishchev Gennadiy Filatov Oleg Komarov <komarov@cpan.org> Pavel Selivanov Sergey Zhuravlev