[](https://travis-ci.com/Kaiepi/p6-Kind) NAME ==== Kind - Typechecking based on kinds SYNOPSIS ======== ```raku use Kind; my constant Class = Kind[Metamodel::ClassHOW]; proto sub is-class(Mu --> Bool:D) {*} multi sub is-class(Mu $ where Class --> True) { } multi sub is-class(Mu --> False) { } say Str.&is-class; # OUTPUT: True say Blob.&is-class; # OUTPUT: False ``` DESCRIPTION =========== Kind is an uninstantiable parametric type that can be used to typecheck values based off their kind. If parameterized, it may be used in a `where` clause or on the right-hand side of a smartmatch to typecheck a value's HOW against its type parameter. Kind is documented. You can view the documentation for it and its methods at any time using `WHY`. For examples of how to use Kind with any of Rakudo's kinds, see `t/01-kind.t`. METAMETHODS =========== method parameterize ------------------- ```raku method ^parameterize(Kind:U $this is raw, Mu \K --> Kind:U) { } ``` Mixes in `kind` and `ACCEPTS` methods. See below. Some useful values with which to parameterize Kind are: * a metaclass or metarole ```raku # Smartmatches any class. Kind[Metamodel::ClassHOW] ``` * a junction of metaclasses or metaroles ```raku # Smartmatches any type that supports naming, versioning, and documenting. Kind[Metamodel::Naming & Metamodel::Versioning & Metamodel::Documenting] ``` * a block ```raku # Smartmatches any parametric type. Kind[{ use nqp; nqp::hllbool(nqp::can($_, 'parameterize')) }] ``` * a metaobject ```raku # This class' metamethods ensure they can only be called with itself or its # subclasses. class Configurable { my Map:D %CONFIGURATIONS{ObjAt:D}; method ^configure(Configurable:_ $this where Kind[self], %configuration --> Map:D) { %CONFIGURATIONS{$this.WHAT.WHICH} := %configuration.Map } method ^configuration(Configurable:_ $this where Kind[self] --> Map:D) { %CONFIGURATIONS{$this.WHAT.WHICH} // Map.new } } ``` METHODS ======= method ACCEPTS -------------- ```raku method ACCEPTS(Kind:U: Mu $checker is raw) { } ``` Returns `True` if the HOW of `$checker` typechecks against `Kind`'s type parameter, otherwise returns `False`. If `Kind`'s type parameter has an `ACCEPTS` method, this will smartmatch the HOW of `$checker` against it; otherwise, `Metamodel::Primitives.is_type` will be called with `$checker`'s HOW and it. Most of the time, the former will be the case; the latter behaviour exists because it's not guaranteed `K` will actually have `Mu`'s methods (this is case with Rakudo's metaroles). method kind ----------- ```raku method kind(Kind:U: --> Mu) { } ``` Returns `Kind`'s type parameter. AUTHOR ====== Ben Davies (Kaiepi) COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2020 Ben Davies This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.